My latest release, Drawn by the Current, revolves around a lesser-known major event known as the Eastland Disaster. This was Chicago's largest loss-of-life disaster in its entire history, and yet relatively few people have heard the tragic story. In these videos, I sit down with the Eastland Disaster Historical Society and ask them the questions I think you'd want to know the answers to. Each video is short--between three and six minutes. They are best when you watch the playlist in order, but you can pick and choose from the videos below, as well. Click on the title to view the video on YouTube.
The Eastland Disaster Historical Society Describes Chicago's Worst Loss of Life Disaster
Susan Decker Shares Personal Connection with the Eastland Disaster
How did 844 people die, just 20 feet from the wharf?
After the Rescue: How Two Young Sisters Responded to the Eastland Disaster
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