Come celebrate the launch of my newest Civil War novel: A River Between Us Sunday, October 1, at 2pm! The Civil War-themed party will be held in the ballroom of the Cedar Falls Woman's Club at 304 Clay Street, Cedar Falls, IA, and will include:
- Live string trio provided by Cedar Valley Strings
- A program by the author, Jocelyn Green
- A Victorian dessert buffet with tea and coffee
- A Civil War fashion show, featuring dresses on loan from Gettysburg, and interpretation by Civil War fashion expert Ann Olsson
An opportunity for book sales and signing will follow in the parlor.
This is a ticketed event. Purchase your tickets in advance at Eventbrite here.
*NOTE: If you cannot attend, you can get a signed paperback shipped directly to you by pre-ordering from the author at JocelynGreen.com/River.
Our venue, the Cedar Falls Woman's Club, is shown below with pictures of the exterior and the parlor. This historic house was built in 1867 and features all Victorian decor, making it the perfect place for our event.
The Launch Party begins at 2:00, but doors open at 1:30pm. There is on-street parking as well as a lot behind the house. If stairs are a problem, plan to enter through the rear entrance to use the ramps instead.
If you arrive earlier than 1:30, add to your afternoon by visiting the Victorian House Museum directly across the street from the Cedar Falls Woman's Club. The Victorian House was built in 1863, during the Civil War. In A River Between Us, the Aldridge family would have styled their home similar to this one. Admission is free, donations welcome. The Victorian House Museum will open at 12:30pm on October 1 to allow you time to explore it before our event.
If you're in town for the weekend, check out Cedar Falls' Main Street for dining and shopping. For another Civil War Era point of interest, look for The Black Hawk Hotel is the second longest operating hotel in the country! Built in 1853, it operated during the Civil War, and has undergone several name changes and renovations since then. (Near the end of Jocelyn Green's novel Yankee in Atlanta, the characters Ruby and Edward Goodrich spend the night in this hotel.) The hotel is the large brick building in the photo below.
Purchase your tickets in advance at Eventbrite here.
Frequently Asked Questions
This sounds fancy. Do I have to dress up to attend?
There is no dress code, so come in regular clothes if you like!
Is the venue handicap accessible?
Yes. Plan to enter the Cedar Falls Woman's Club through the rear doors in order to use ramps and avoid steps.
Will you be selling tickets at the door?
Because we need to know how much food to prepare, please purchase your tickets through Eventbrite ahead of time. Thank you!
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