Registration Now Open for The Windy City Saga Tour!

Registration is now open for a weekend in Chicago like none other! We’ll explore the city’s rich history through the sites found in Veiled in Smoke, Shadows of the White City, and Drawn by the Current (releasing Feb. 1, 2022). All the details for this trip can be found in the dropdown...
Read-Along Gift Boxes While Supplies Last!

Did you know this October marks the 150th anniversary of the Great Fire of Chicago? Since Veiled in Smoke takes place during and after the fire, I was inspired to honor this historic date by putting together a commemorative gift box for it. Shadows of the White City was not to be left out of the fun. After all, Shadows of the White City, which is set during the 1893...
Announcing: The Windy City Saga Tour!

Join me for a weekend in Chicago like none other. We’ll explore the city’s rich history through the sites found in Veiled in Smoke, Shadows of the White City, and Drawn by the Current (releasing Feb. 1, 2022).
Our time together will include a visit to the Chicago History Museum,...
New Video: Books & Brew

Did you know that suspense author Andrew Huff invites guests on his YouTube show to chat about books and drink the guest's favorite brew? For me, that's tea. So come along with us and see what this coffee afficionadeo thought of my favorite fruity tea (among the other things we chat about), Mama's Apple Pie from my local Tea Cellar. And be sure to check out Andrew's Web site and books, too!
Now in Audio: Spy of Richmond

Spy of Richmond, my fourth and final novel in my Heroines Behind the Lines Civil War series, is now available as an audiobook. I'm thrilled to have the entire series in audiobook now. (If you're new to the series, start with...
Going Out of Print Sale: Free to Lean for $4.99

Well, it's official. My nonfiction book for women, Free to Lean, Making Peace with Your Lopsided Life, is going out of print. In fact, after August, all the extra copies in the publisher's warehouse will be destroyed. In July I posted about this on my Facebook page and sold two entire cases of books in almost two days. Thank you! So I've ordered four more cases at a discount, so I can...
What's a Readers Retreat?

The Mississippi River Readers Retreat was the third readers retreat I’ve participated in. What all readers retreats have in common is a roster of authors from a variety of genres, and a whole lot of excited readers. To be clear, we authors are always excited to be there, too.
The purpose is to have a place for readers and authors to get to know each other on a level not possible through social media alone. At MRRR, they fostered interaction in a few different ways:
Keynote speakers: Julie Klassen and Cynthia Ruchti each spoke for 25 minutes each. They did a...
What's a Writers Retreat?

Last week I went to my first ever writers retreat! If you’re not familiar with this type of event, stick around, and I’ll tell you all about it. This particular retreat was hosted by author Gabrielle Meyer in a historic mansion in her hometown of Little Falls, Minnesota.
But before we reached Little Falls, the Bethany House authors stopped in Minneapolis to visit the Bethany House Publishers office. We spent a good chunk of a day there, dividing our time between meetings with our editors, the marketing and publicity team, and of course shared breakfast and lunch.
...Two Novels, Two Authors, One Inspiration

When I heard that Martha Hall Kelly, author of Lilac Girls and Lost Roses, was releasing a Civil War novel based on Georgeanna Woolsey, I was delighted! Georgeanna is the same historical figure who served as the inspiration for my protagonist, Charlotte Waverly, in my Civil War novel, Wedded to War (RiverNorth Fiction, 2012). Georgeanna was a remarkable woman and deserves more attention. I recently listened to...
My Summer Reading List

At the beginning of this summer, I made a list of the books I wanted to read, including older titles I've missed as well as newer releases. I may have been a little too ambitious, especially since my reading time will soon be turned into research time for the next novel I need to write. But I've gotten through about half of my hopefuls, and they have all been excellent in different ways! I'll share that list below, along with a few links where you can find these books, too. (This list does not include the books I've read for endorsement, which I'll be happy to gush about closer to their...