It's been a busy summer! Kimberly Drew and I have been hard at work on the devotional book for parents of children with special needs children. I'm pretty much done with my portion of the writing so I can focus on my next project for the month of August. Fiction lovers, this is for you. It's time for me to get deep down into my writing cave and only come out when I have a proposal in hand for my next historical fiction series. The topic is something I've been researching for months already, but took a break from while I worked on the devotional book with Kimberly. I've read dozens of books and even took a research trip with my family in April to help fill in the gaps. I'm not ready to share exactly what I'm working on quite yet, but these snapshots from my trip will give you a little peek into where I'm headed with my series!
I'm so excited to try to bring these places (and intriguing characters!) to life in a new series. Hopefully a publisher will agree it's worthwhile. If you don't hear from me for a while, just remember I'm deep into this! :)
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