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7 Ways to Bolster Your Historical Fiction Research

Thu, 2014-01-09 15:48 -- Jocelyn Green
Researching a historical novel is a daunting task, albeit fascinating. But if you know where to look, the process will be more effective, and quicker, too. Other than the two obvious sources of research--books and the Internet (such as digitized collections of primary sources, not Internet chat rooms)--here are seven other ways I have bolstered the research for my own novels. I hope they can be helpful to you, as well. 1) Site visits. Whenever possible, I visit the location I'll be using in my book, for three reasons: I want to get a sense of place. I want to feel the weather, see the trees, hear the birds. What does this place do to one's spirit? Is it vast and wild? Close and suffocatingly hot? Is it tranquil? I love to put myself in my character's shoes, quite literally, whenever I can. Usually there is a museum or two with not only excellent exhibits, but a great gift shop with little gems I would never find otherwise. During research for Spy of Richmond, the Museum of the Confederacy gift shop had real treasures for me. A Pictorial Tour of the White House of the Confederacy will be dog-eared and underlined as I'm writing Spy of Richmond. If there are historical archives with primary source materials at a location, I want to get in there. The Adams County Historical Society archives in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, was an absolute goldmine of information. My book Widow of Gettysburg was informed by dozens of eyewitness accounts I could not have found anywhere else. 2) Museum staffers. Whenever I write a historical novel, I pray that I will find a friend who works at a museum that specializes in my subject material. There is simply no substitute for a real-live person who will answer my questions. Among other things, Denise Doyle at the Seminary Ridge Museum counted the number of stairs in the old seminary building for a certain scene I was writing. When I asked Trevor Beemon at the Atlanta History Center about architecture and typical furnishings for a middle class Atlanta home during the Civil War, he went so far as to describe the color schemes and send me photos. (I pinned them on my Yankee in Atlanta Pinterest board, if you're interested.) Sara Henderson at Atlanta's Oakland Cemetery described what the cemetery looked like in 1863, right down to the foliage and wildlife. The list goes on. These people are absolutely invaluable to me. Anyone can do this. Hop online, find a museum you wish you could visit, and email the research specialist. Tell him or her what you're doing and ask for help. More often than not, I get a response, and we go from there. It's a beautiful thing. 3) Paper dolls and coloring books. When it comes to getting the fashions of the era right, I am a loyal fan of Peter Copeland's coloring books, and Tom Tierney's paper dolls. I learn what fabrics and colors were appropriate for which season, which fashions would have been worn by which generation (from the underwear to the accessories) and which occasion merited which ensemble. I love these books! They have them for several different eras, not just Civil War. Find them on Amazon. [[{"type":"media", "view_mode":"media_large", "fid":"993", "attributes":{"class":"media-image aligncenter size-full wp-image-1807", "typeof":"foaf:Image", "style":"", "width":"600", "height":"300", "alt":"7waystobolsterresearchcollage2"}}]] 4) Specialty experts. When I have a medical question, my go-to-gal is Jordyn Redwood, an E.R nurse and the author of medical thriller/suspense novels. She has this lovely Web site which features questions from authors/aspiring authors and her replies to those questions. Not only has Jordyn featured a few of my questions on her site, but she has graciously answered other random emails I've sent. Visit her Web site here: For Civil War firearms, I consult Wesley Harris, who is in his 36th year of law enforcement. His broad range of experience includes virtually every position in a police agency from dispatcher to patrol officer to detective to police chief. He also serves on the Criminal Justice faculty of the University of Phoenix. He has been super helpful to me, and if you write anything to do with crime (including modern, of course) I'm sure he can be of help to you, too. Visit him at his Web site here: His blog posts alone are extremely valuable! 5) Other authors. Jordyn and Wesley have established their own consulting services for authors, but think about the other authors you're friends with.  If they have written about a similar time period or topic, they may already know that tiny detail you're looking for. Peter Leavell, author of Gideon's Call, answered my questions about Beaufort, South Carolina, as well as two other topics I know he's researched. When I remembered that Laura Frantz featured smallpox in her book The Frontiersman's Daughter, I pinged her to help clarify my understanding of the disease. Laurie Alice Eakes wrote The Midwives series, so I went to her to ask about possible injuries to babies during delivery. [[{"type":"media", "view_mode":"media_large", "fid":"994", "attributes":{"class":"media-image aligncenter size-full wp-image-1808", "typeof":"foaf:Image", "style":"", "width":"600", "height":"300", "alt":"7ways to bolster research collage1"}}]] I happened to know each of these authors already, but you need not rely on friendships to ask authors a specific question. Recently, I read the nonfiction book Libby Prison Breakout, which was wonderful, but I still had a burning question. So I emailed the author, and guess what? He wrote me back with a thorough answer within 24 hours. Not all authors do that of course, but it's always worth a try. Finally, I utilize e-loops of other writers in my genre. Chances are, there is someone else out there who has the answer for what I'm looking for, even if that answer is an idea on where to search. 6) College professors. When I was researching Widow of Gettysburg, I had a lot of questions I wasn't finding answers for in terms of the cultural climate toward black people in Gettysburg. So I emailed a handful of professors at Gettysburg College and told them what I was looking for. Not surprisingly, most of them didn't have time to help me. But one of them gave me a list of ten sources to look into for all my answers. Jackpot! I was on my way. 7) Far-flung friends. This one was astounding for me to learn. Some people actually get a kick out of helping their author friends with research. My friend Bettina Dowell, who lives in Northern Virginia, went to the Library of Congress in Washington D.C. for me and scoured microfilms of old Atlanta newspapers until she found what I was looking for. Another friend, Mindelynn Young, was visiting Independence, Missouri, and took the opportunity to gather some information for me and get an in with a museum staffer who was more than willing to help. Other friends have pitched in to do online research when time was tight for me. I just sent them my questions and they sent me the answers. Think about your own friends and family. Would any of them consider it "fun" to help you--and are they in strategic locations so they could act as your proxy? For a work of historical fiction to ring true, the research behind it must be solid.  Readers will notice! The highest praise my first book earned came from the Historical Novel Society: The research behind this shines. Green’s descriptions of the first hospitals, the horrors of battlefield medicine, and the extraordinary courage and vision of the women who took on this challenge carry the whole book. For this alone it’s worth the read. That's what I want--to depict the truth while telling a compelling story. To do that, I gratefully and humbly rely on all the help I can get! The final product is worth the effort. [[{"type":"media", "view_mode":"media_large", "fid":"995", "attributes":{"class":"media-image aligncenter wp-image-2900", "typeof":"foaf:Image", "style":"", "width":"600", "height":"239", "alt":"4novels"}}]]  

In Praise of the Crummy First Draft: 5 Things It Does for Us

Mon, 2012-10-29 08:30 -- Jocelyn Green
[[{"type":"media", "view_mode":"media_large", "fid":"915", "attributes":{"class":"media-image alignleft size-medium wp-image-554", "typeof":"foaf:Image", "style":"", "width":"300", "height":"199", "title":"crummydraft", "alt":""}}]]by Jocelyn Green Have you ever been so excited to start writing a particular piece, only to be deflated and discouraged by the drivel that appears on the screen as you begin typing? If you said no, you can stop reading, and go away right now because I can't relate to you. But if you said yes, lean in close. I have a secret I just can't keep any longer: This happens to EVERYONE. Yes, me, but even more impressive, it happens to the best-selling authors you know and love, too. You know what? It's OK. It's called the first draft. And it gets better, but first you have to slog it out and get that first attempt down on paper. Just in case you don't believe me: "Each book only gets harder, not easier. The first draft is killer for me. I love rewrites and edits, but that blinking cursor on the screen is not my friend. I have a very harsh internal editor that I struggle to squelch as I write." ~Award-winning, bestseller Tamela Alexander, Fall 2012 issue of ACFW Journal   "Please pray for me that I'll finish my first draft today. Then I'll love my job again as I rewrite 2nd thru 10th drafts." ~New York Times bestseller Terri Blackstock on her Facebook fan page, Oct. 23, 2012   "I have points in every book, usually during really BIG scenes, the black moment, comic/action scenes, and I'm typing along and knowing that in this scene I've really got to hit all the right notes. This has got to be BIG. And I'm writing drivel. IKNOW I have to write it badly (write it DOWN) before I can fix it. And yet, I'm typing this explosive scene, emotionally, physically explosive and I envision it as two or three chapters and I've written two pages of dead boring prose and I'm done. I KNOW that's how it's got to be at first. But still, while I'm in the midst of it it's just so BAD and I start avoiding it. That's when the laundry calls. That's when I think of something I should be preparing for dinner. That's when I remember I haven't talked to my mother for a couple of days. But it's all avoidance. It's all disgust with the FAILURE of my writing, even though CONSCIOUSLY I know I'm doing this, still, I can hardly force myself forward." ~Award-winning, bestseller Mary Connealy, in a comment on my blog post at Seekerville in July 2012 Do you feel better yet? Yes? Good. NO? OK, then read this from Anne Lamott's book Bird by Bird. This was one of the best things I gleaned from the entire book. "All good writers write [really crummy* first drafts]. This is how they end up with good second drafts and terrific third drafts. . . I know some very great writers, writers you love who write beautifully and have made a great deal of money, and not one of them sits down routinely feeling wildly enthusiastic and confident. Not one of them writes elegant first drafts . . . We all often feel like we are pulling teeth, even those writers whose prose ends up being the most natural and fluid. The right words and sentences just do not come pouring out like ticker tape most of the time . . . For me and most of the other writers I know, writing is not rapturous. In fact, the only way I can get anything written at all is to write really, really [crummy*] first drafts." *Anne Lamott used a more colorful word than crummy. But you get the idea. Whether you are writing a blog post, a novel, an article, or a nonfiction book, please, please don't give up based on the quality of your first draft. You can improve it. But if you stop, or if you just don't try to write anymore because you don't like what comes out at first, it is impossible to improve that. You just stay. . . unwritten.  If you have a message, get it out. Write it, edit it, rewrite it, workshop it, do whatever you have to do to make it better. Remember, even though it may look awful on the screen, here's what the first draft really does for us: It moves us from just thinking about writing to actually writing, setting us on the journey toward the final draft. If you don't start, you can't finish. It helps us clarify the direction of the project. Even if you're an outliner, like I am, sometimes you don't know what will work and what won't until you begin writing. It allows us to form our voice, the tone of the piece. Even if you end up deleting it all, at least you have a much better sense for not just your direction, but for the feel of it, too. It gives us momentum. The first couple of pages can be incredibly tedious to write, but you have to rev up before you get in a groove. If nothing else, it provides you with a really good outline that you can change and polish on your next time going through it. Author Sir Terry Pratchett once said, "The first draft is just you telling yourself the story." It doesn't need to be perfect. Here's to the crummy first draft, the first step toward something beautiful. You have to wade through a lot of murky waters, but you'll get to the crystal clear prose in time. Jump in. How do you get through your first draft? What keeps you going?

Stop the Clock! Ten Tips for Time-Starved Writers

Wed, 2012-10-17 14:28 -- Jocelyn Green
[[{"type":"media", "view_mode":"media_large", "fid":"679", "attributes":{"class":"media-image alignright", "typeof":"foaf:Image", "style":"", "width":"193", "height":"300", "alt":"WeddedtoWarcover-193x300"}}]]by Jocelyn Green I should have known better. But when the local reporter came to interview me about my newly released novel, Wedded to War, I told her that my kids, ages 3 and 6, would be home with us, but that they “knew how to stay quiet.” Can you guess how that interview went? Let’s just say that by the end of it, the reporter shifted her line of questioning from the Civil War inspiration to: “This is your fifth book since I was here last time. How do you write with two little kids running around?” Great question! I’m practically starved for writing time most of the year, and if you have a family or a job or some desire to do anything other than write, I know you can relate. I do have one writer friend who, when a book deadline approaches, packs up and heads to her cabin in the mountains for weeks at a time to just get ‘er done. How nice for her. But since we can’t all have the cabins of our dreams, and the time to use them, what’s a writer to do? The only answer is to maximize the time that we do have. Here are ten tips I’ve picked up over the past several years. 1) Write without editing yourself. (Yet.) I was an editor before I wrote any books. But when I let my editor’s brain take over my writer’s brain, I played a mental tug-of-war on the page, rewriting a scene (or even—dare I say it?—a single paragraph) several times and not making any actual progress on the word count in a given day. Since then I learned that we write with one side of our brain, and we edit with the other side. So don’t try to do both at once. Just write the thing first. You can edit later. In Bird by Bird, Anne Lamott says: “Almost all good writing begins with terrible first efforts. You need to start somewhere. Start by getting something—anything—down on paper. A friend of mine says that the first draft is the down draft—you just get it down. The second draft is the up draft—you fix it up. You try to say what you have to say more accurately. And the third draft is the dental draft, where you check every tooth, to see if it’s loose or cramped or decayed, or even, God help us, healthy.” I have gone through more than three drafts, I’m sure, but that’s beside the point. The point is—get it down. Editing slows the process in the initial stage. 2) Don’t do the laundry. At least, not during your writing time. Writing from home, it’s so tempting to “just throw in one load.” But if you put a load in the washer, you’ll probably want to put it into the dryer. And if you put it in the dryer, chances are, you’ll want to fold the clothes before they wrinkle. The interruptions pile up faster than the laundry. The same concept goes for washing the dishes, dusting, etc. It might seem like just a few quick minutes to straighten up, but if it’s taking away from your writing time—and more importantly, from your focus—it’s not allowed. I read somewhere that after every interruption, it takes about 20 minutes to get fully back into the groove of your previous momentum. I can’t cite this source, and I’m not sure how they did this study, but it feels true enough, or close enough to the truth, for me to ruthlessly squelch the urge to do just a tiny chore during writing time. 3) Set goals. And make them just beyond what you think you can achieve. Whether you try to hit a word count or write a certain number of scenes per day, aim for something. If you’re at a loss in this area, the book 90 Days to Your Novel spells out all the daily goals for you. You can adjust the timeframe as you see fit. 4) Write “as the bullets fly.” I’m stealing this phrase from Pamela Redmond Satran in a recent article she wrote in a recent issue of Writer’s Digest. She shares how after she had a baby, she waited until the quiet moments of nap time or after bedtime to write, but it was never enough. Then, she had an epiphany. She says: “Forget about waiting for the quiet moment alone in the pristine room: I was never going to get that again, at least not for a long time. And so rather than stealing writing time in my office, I moved my laptop to the living room. Instead of writing late at night or early in the morning before my child woke up, I started doing it while she was right there. I wrote while I watched the 802nd viewing of Cinderella. . . ” And the pages added up. This is something I am learning to do right now. My “office” (aka laptop) now travels with me to the playroom, the family room, and the backyard. I use to access the files and email on my desktop computer. 5) Be anti-social. When you’re up against a deadline, shut down your email, turn off Facebook, Twitter, etc. One writer I know deactivates her Facebook profile when she’s writing, and reactivates it once she’s done. If you really can’t go totally dark, tell yourself you will only do social media during one (or two) designated small slots of time a day. Being anti-social in real life helps, too. For weeks or months, I just have to say no to most of my social life. Pampered Chef party? I'll order online. Girls Night Out? I'm eating at my desk in my writing pants. Fantastic movie playing? I'll see it on Netflix later. (You get the idea.) One important exception-I make a point of deliberate one-on-one time with my husband, and of course some quality time with the kids. I can make all kinds of sacrifices in the name of deadline, but I do draw the line somewhere. 6) Write when you’re fresh. If you do your best writing in the morning, don’t whittle away that time responding to emails. Write first. The emails can usually wait. I used to tell myself I could write in the evenings, but I’m so exhausted by the end of the day, one hour in the morning is worth three hours at night! 7) Get up earlier. Hey, I’m not a morning person either, but I found that by getting up at 5am instead of when my kids get up at 7, I can double the amount of writing time I usually get in a day. Amazing! 8 ) Skip writer’s block. If you have trouble writing a certain scene, skip it and move on to something else you can get into. You can always go back to that trouble spot later and fill it in. Just keep writing. 9) Create time. What can you delegate to others to free up more writing time for yourself? Would it be worth it to have a maid service come in so you can use that time to write? Child care is always a dilemma when they are young. I hired a babysitter (make that seven babysitters—long story) last summer. This summer I am bribing them. If they are good in the morning, we go bowling or to the water park in the afternoon. I’m also trying to write as the bullets fly! If they are too young for this to work, you might want to find another mom and swap kids a couple times a week. The other relentless time-consuming issue is meal preparation. I don’t want to spend hours in the kitchen before and after we eat dinner, but I also don’t want to resort to fast food or take-out. So I make meals ahead of time and stock the freezer with them. Check out the book Don’t Panic! Dinner’s In the Freezer for plenty of recipes. When I run out of my own freezer meals, I'm not above Stauffers, Marie Calendar, etc. 10) Pray. This is the easiest thing to do, and so important. Before your fingers touch the keyboard, pray. Pray that God will give you focus, clarity, creativity, whatever it is you most need on that day. And ask others to join you! Many writers, myself included, have a prayer team supporting them throughout their writing project. Or just ask a few trusted friends for prayer on a more spontaneous basis. I cannot even count the number of times I have asked friends to pray, and then within days (sometimes within hours) that specific request was answered above and beyond my expectations and hopes. Stories are powerful. Jesus used them (parables) to communicate profound truths. Why not pray that God will help us tell the story He wants us to tell, the way He wants us to tell it, and that He would help us do it before our deadline? If he could feed the five thousand from two loaves of bread and five fish, He can help us make the most of our writing time. How do YOU make the most of your writing time?

Why Reading Fiction Counts as Research for the Writer

Mon, 2012-07-30 17:03 -- Jocelyn Green
When I decided to write fiction, I bought a small library’s worth of books on various aspects of the craft: plot structure, characterization, dialogue, self-editing, etc. They have been extremely helpful. But there are some things that are better caught, than taught. That’s why I highly recommend reading good fiction whether you are an aspiring writer or a seasoned pro. That’s also how I can justify reading a novel when my own book deadline is looming on the not-so-far horizon. Today I’d like to share with you a few of the passages I’ve underlined in my books, as well as the notes I’ve written in the margins. Hopefully this will inspire you to pick up a book and feel good about the investment of time! From To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee: Maycomb was an old town, but it was a tired old town when I first knew it. In rainy weather, the streets turned to red slop; grass grew on the sidewalks, the courthouse sagged in the square. Somehow, it was hotter then: a black dog suffered on a summer’s day; boy mules hitched to Hoover carts flicked flies in the sweltering shade of the live oaks on the square. Men’s stiff collars wilted by nine in the morning. Ladies bathed before noon, after their three-o’clock naps, and by nightfall were like soft teacakes with frostings of sweat and sweet talcum. (page 5) Harper Lee could have said that the town of Maycomb was really hot. Instead, she used the “show, don’t tell” rule masterfully. I can almost feel the sweat trickling down my spine as I read this. I love the simile in the last sentence, too. [[{"type":"media", "view_mode":"media_large", "fid":"706", "attributes":{"class":"media-image size-full wp-image-435 alignleft", "typeof":"foaf:Image", "style":"", "width":"181", "height":"284", "title":"lady in the mist_180", "alt":""}}]]From Lady in the Mist by Laurie Alice Eakes: Mist swirled around her, smelling of the sea and the tang of freshly turned earth, muffling the click of her heels on cobblestone and brick pavement. (Page 8 ) Love this. Usually mist is described in visual terms, but Laurie Alice adds the smell and sound of it, too, for a much richer description. “Press-gang.” The word burst from her like a curse, and her heart began to race. Her mouth went dry, tasting bitter. She tried to scramble to her feet. She needed to warn the village men to stay inside. But her cloak and skirts tangled around her, holding her down. “Let me help you.” Still speaking in an undertone, he stooped before her. She caught an exotic scent like sandalwood, saw no more than a shadowy outline and dark hair tumbling around features pale in the misty gloom. (page 12) Laurie Alice put all five senses into these two brief paragraphs. Sight: the shadowy outline, dark hair, pale features. Sound: the word bursting from her, the undertone of his voice. Smell: sandalwood. Taste: her mouth tasting bitter. Touch: her mouth going dry, the cloak and skirts tangling her legs. Images of the Englishman filled her head, tingled along her fingers, danced down her spine. She despised the way she thrilled to his flirtation, his touch. (page 15) Nice! She shows how a memory makes us feel, physically. [[{"type":"media", "view_mode":"media_large", "fid":"707", "attributes":{"class":"media-image alignleft size-full wp-image-436", "typeof":"foaf:Image", "style":"", "width":"182", "height":"275", "title":"mary sutter", "alt":""}}]]From My Name is Mary Sutter by Robin Oliveira: A second floor crouched between a third and the first. Low ceilinged, claustral, darker even than James Blevens’s surgery that day in April, the hallway angled through the series of squat additions that made up the Union Hotel. (page 117) Robin uses personification (crouched, squat) to give this setting a personality, a characterization all its own. The following excerpt is an exchange between a doctor at the Union Hotel hospital during the Civil War, and the nurse, Mary Sutter. They moved on. “This one can’t breathe.” “Give him whiskey.” “This one can’t walk.” “Give him whiskey.” “That one can’t stop itching.” “Give him whiskey.” “This one has got diarrhea.” “Haven’t they all?” “We’ve run out of quinine.” “Give oil of turpentine.” “We’ve run out of turpentine.” “Then boil some willow bark and put it in whiskey and give it to him.” “We’ve run out of whiskey.” (pages 197-198) This rapid-fire dialogue shows very economically the limited resources and hopeless situations they ran into all day long. Very effective. [[{"type":"media", "view_mode":"media_large", "fid":"708", "attributes":{"class":"media-image size-full wp-image-437 alignleft", "typeof":"foaf:Image", "style":"", "width":"180", "height":"288", "title":"Heiress", "alt":""}}]]From Heiress by Susan May Warren: I read this on my Kindle, so I don’t have page numbers for these excerpts. The words seemed to slither out, and Jinx tasted in them the poison she intended. Wow. Susan added touch and taste to “the words” for a drama you can feel. Susan also does a great job adding meaningful beats of hesitation into dialogue, such as the examples below (all from different scenes): He let her words dissolve in the frosty air before he answered. She stared at her curved hand in his, unable to meet his eyes, tasting her heartbeat. She looked up at him, words netted in her chest. Jinx stilled. Something in Esme’s voice—she couldn’t be serious. The silence tore through Jinx like a dagger. She’d longed to flee, her heart already outside her chest, but horror affixed her to the parquet floor. With certainty, the truth slid through her, solidified, turned her heart to marble. The thought pressed into her, grew blades. He looked away then, as if his words cost him. [[{"type":"media", "view_mode":"media_large", "fid":"709", "attributes":{"class":"media-image alignleft size-full wp-image-438", "typeof":"foaf:Image", "style":"", "width":"181", "height":"280", "title":"a heart revealed cover_180", "alt":""}}]]From A Heart Revealed by Julie Lessman: While reading novels by Julie Lessman, I noticed that she very rarely uses the word “said” in her dialogue. She usually uses beats instead of tags, and it’s far more effective that way. For example, she could have written: “All right, Charity, I’ll talk,” he said. “I want you to leave me alone…” Instead of saying “he said” (a tag) she used a beat, injecting much more emotion: “All right, Charity, I’ll talk.” He faced her point-blank, his voice a cold blade with deadly intent. “I want you to leave me alone…” Amazing difference! She does this throughout the book. Using my Kindle, I did a search for “tone” in A Heart Revealed to see other ways she described the characters’ voices, and came up with pages and pages of examples like the following phrases: A tinge of hurt in her tone Affection bated her tone Tease lacing her tone An edge of respect in her tone Tone hushed with respect Worry threading her tone Sincerity softening the plea of her tone In a tone as tight as the muscles in his face Tears in her eyes betrayed the gruff edge of her tone. Her tone was as tart as one of those lemon drops she kept on her desk. He tried to temper the edge in his tone Hint of humor in her tone Shame evident in his tone Wistfulness laced her tone He closed his eyes again, tone tired and lips flat. In a clipped tone With finality in his tone A teasing brogue slipping into her tone Contrition heavy in her tone Her tone rang with an authority she seldom employed. In a rigid tone Apology laced his tone Tone void of remorse (or warmth) Confused by the bite in his tone The sharpness of his tone heated her cheeks. Accusation thick in his tone Mirth laced her tone. His tone was suddenly strained. Up until I did this search (and this list is not the complete results!) I had not been thinking of all the ways I could describe a character’s voice to portray emotion. See, Julie? I told you I was reading your novels for research! :) These are just five novels that have inspired me to improve my own writing in various ways. But virtually every novel I read shows me something, so I can never read a book without a pen in my hand. If it’s a library book, I keep a notebook and pen handy so I can copy down what I notice. Tell me—what have you underlined in a book lately, and why? I would love to know!

A Review, an Interview, and a Column!

Fri, 2012-06-01 15:57 -- Jocelyn Green
[[{"type":"media", "view_mode":"media_large", "fid":"679", "attributes":{"class":"media-image alignright", "typeof":"foaf:Image", "style":"", "width":"135", "height":"210", "alt":"WeddedtoWarcover-193x300"}}]]We are 30 days away from the official release date of Wedded to War, and the pace is picking up to spread the word! Check out these three pieces, all published just today: Review of Wedded to War at Novel Reviews An interview with me about Wedded to War at Wordsmith Journal Magazine (scroll down about halfway down the page to find it) This link will be good for the interview until the next issue comes out July 1. A column written by me for writers, in Christian Fiction Online magazine: Grilling Your Characters: 7 Questions to Make Your Plot Sizzle. Again, this link will only have my column until July 1, when the next issue is published. (Update: I reposted the content here!) Please consider sharing any of these above links with friends who may be interested! Thank you!

Women's Fashion During the Civil War

Sun, 2012-04-01 03:35 -- Jocelyn Green
Before I could write Wedded to War, I not only had to learn Civil War history, but what everyday life was like for women in the Victorian age. What did they eat? What did they do for fun? What did they wear? This last question was one of the most fascinating to find answers for. I am indebted to costume historian Tom Tierney for creating his Civil War Fashions Coloring Book and American Family of the Civil War Era paper dolls, both of which offer extremely detailed illustrations and captions of the fashions my characters in Wedded to War would have worn. Three elements of Civil War fashion are especially interesting to me, however, and I hope they will interest you as well: corsets, hoop skirts, and mourning dress. The Corset Virtually every woman wore a corset of some type under their clothing, from working class women to domestic servants to genteel ladies of society. The ideal was a waist of 15 inches, but corsets did come in different sizes so we know that not everyone squeezed themselves to match this standard. Corsets were stiffened with whalebone, steel, or even oak splits for women in the South during the war. Most corsets closed in the front with metal brads and eyelets, and more rarely they laced up the back with hooks and eyes. Women whose corsets laced up the back would have needed help dressing. During the Victorian Age, including the Civil War, a tightly laced corset was widely associated with a woman’s virtue. In fact, many terms we use today to describe someone’s morality come from this association: “The allusion to loosening one’s stays [corsets] as a prelude to sexual activity permeated everyday life, so that women who were called “loose” were not being described physically so much as morally. Other terms that were used to describe behavior were very closely linked to costume and appearance. “Terms such as “upright,” “restrained,” or “upstanding” certainly describe a corseted woman’s physical appearance as well as her reputation just as “unbridled,” “unrestrained,” and “loose” were epithets linked to appearance. . . .The woman’s body was to be constrained within appropriate undergarments that were to be taken off only in privacy or within the confines of the marriage bedroom. Sarah Hale, editor of Godey’s Lady’s Book, as well as author of several books covering etiquette, considered a woman’s clothing to be an effective indication of her morality, and the corset was a requisite part of that appearance.”1 Godey’s Lady’s Book Fashions, September 1861, Courtesy New York Public Library Digital Collection The Hoop Skirt The women’s fashion feature most associated with the Civil War era is the hoop skirt, named for the structural support of wire hoops or whalebones called “crinolines,” worn under the skirt to hold its shape. In a typical dress, the width of the skirt at its widest point (which was close to the floor) was about 50 to 70 percent of the woman’s height.2 In formal gowns, such as those worn by First Lady Mary Lincoln, the skirt was up to eighteen feet in circumference, using twenty-five yards of fabric.3 Many women saw the crinoline as an improvement over the weight and cumbersomeness of wearing multiple petticoats—and there was less laundry, but hoop skirts posed other challenges. Sometimes the skirts tilted up on one side, exposing views of legs and undergarments, and they could catch on fire if women stood too close to fireplaces. The wide girth kept men at a distance and filled rooms and stage coaches quickly. New York omnibuses charged higher fares for women with hoops.4 Critics of the hoop skirt were many. A popular song of the times jibed: Now crinoline is all the rage with ladies of whatever age, A petticoat made like a cage— oh, what a ridiculous fashion! ‘Tis formed of hoops and bars of steel, or tubes of air which lighter feel, And worn by girls to be genteel, or if they’ve figures to conceal. It makes the dresses stretch far out a dozen yards or so about, And please both the thin and stout— oh, what a ridiculous fashion!5 Civil War nurses did not wear hoops under their dresses due to safety, convenience, and hospital or Sanitary Commission regulations. The hoop skirts were of great use, however, for those wishing to conceal valuable property. Refugees carried bags of silverware or money, runaway slaves carried an extra change of clothes, and daring women smuggled army supplies such as boots through enemy lines—all by attaching them to their crinolines. By 1865, the rage for crinoline began to recede. Mourning Dress Death touched the hundreds of thousands of families during the Civil War, and the women put on mourning attire according to their stage of grief. Mourning Costumes, 1861, Courtesy of New York Public Library Digital Edition The period of mourning varied according to the relationship with the deceased. A widow was expected to wear deep mourning for at least one year. This included bombazine (dull, lusterless black) fabric, widow’s cap, black cuffs and collars, and black crepe. Black petticoats, stockings and parasols were also required. During the second stage of mourning (from twelve months to eighteen months after the death), the widow could trade silk or wool for the bombazine and add jet black jewelry and ribbons to her attire. The third stage of mourning commenced at eighteen months after the death, and allowed the half-mourning colors of grey, purple, mauve, lavender, or black and grey in her dress. A daughter’s rules for a parent’s death were less stringent. She needed to only were black for six months, then two months of half-mourning colors. Corsets, hoops, and mourning dress were integral to women during the Civil War, and can be found in the characters of Wedded to War. (For photographs of women's fashions worn in the Civil War, visit my Civil War Women's Fashion Pinterest board here.)  And if you're into historical fiction, check out Wedded to War and my other Civil War novels. What other elements of historical fashion fascinate you? Sources 1. Stamper, Anita A. and Jill Condra. Clothing through American history: the Civil War through the Gilded Age, 1861-1899. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2010. Page 109. 2. Leisch, Juanita. Who Wore What? Women’s Wear 1861-1865. Gettysburg, PA: Thomas Publications, 1995. Page 70. 3. Rutberg, B. Mary Lincoln’s Dressmaker. New York: Walker and Company, 1995. Pg 40. 4. Ibid. 5. Hoffman, Frank, and William Bailey. Fashion and Merchandising Fads. New York: Routledge, 1994. Page 115.

Who--Me? Write Fiction? Best Books for the Aspiring Novelist

Sun, 2012-04-01 03:11 -- Jocelyn Green
I’ve been a writer for as long as I can remember. But up until recently, it’s been solely nonfiction. So when I first got the bug to try writing a novel, the first thing I did was write to my fiction-writing friends and call my agent. “Am I crazy?” I asked. “Can I possibly make the switch from nonfiction to fiction? Because if you tell me it will never work, I’ll put the idea out of my head right now and just stick with what I know.” I meant it. But they all said the same thing. “If you want to write fiction, write fiction. If you can write, you can write fiction. You already know how to tell a story. Everything you need to know about telling a fictional story can be learned.” They meant it, too. And so it began. I polled my favorite authors about their favorite books on the craft, consulted Writer’s Digest for their top picks, and spent a small fortune learning how to spin a tale. So I’d like to share with you the best books I’ve found on writing fiction. (I’m sure there are more, but these are the ones in my stack so far.) In no particular order, they are: Getting into Character by Brandlilyn Collins The Writer’s Journey by Christopher Vogler Story Structure Architect by Victoria Lynn Schmidt 20 Master Plots and How to Build Them by Ronald B. Tobias 90 Days to Your Novel by Sarah Domet From First Draft to Finished Novel by Karen S. Wiesner Make a Scene by Jordan E. Rosenfeld Writing the Breakout Novel by Donald Maass How to Write and Sell a Christian Novel by Gilbert Morris The Fire in Fiction by Donald Maass Self-editing for Fiction Writers by Renni Browne and Dave King Have you found other great books on writing fiction? If so, I’d love to hear about them.

The Real People Who Inspired Wedded to War

Thu, 2012-03-15 03:26 -- Jocelyn Green
When people ask me where I get ideas for my novels, I tell them it’s pretty easy—history is already full of fascinating characters and dramatic events. Margaret Culkin Banning said it well: “Fiction is not a dream, nor is it guesswork. It is imagining based on facts, and the facts must be accurate or the work of imagining will not stand up.” Historical fiction is based on facts--and that includes people who lived during the time period. Today I’d like to share with you five real people who inspired my upcoming Civil War novel, Wedded to War. I want you to fall in love with my fictional characters, but I also hope you will grow to respect the real people in the novel, as well. I am convinced that each of them felt ordinary, like you and me, but they did extraordinary things and should be remembered for them. 1) Dorothea Dix. Social reformer Dorothea Dix went straight to Washington within a week of war breaking out and didn’t leave until she had a meeting with President Lincoln himself. Her goal: for the government to allow women to be nurses. It was a shocking suggestion, for nurses in hospitals up until that time had all been male. Proper Victorian women could not be expected to touch a strange man’s body, even if he was sick or wounded—or so society believed. Yet the numbers alone were enough to convince Lincoln he needed help. At the start of the war, the U.S. Army Medical Department had a total of 28 surgeons, and no general hospital. Lincoln gave permission, and made Dix the Superintendent of Female Nurses. She had the authority to provide nurses to the army, and she wanted to be taken seriously. So her requirements for women nurses were stringent: they must be married, at least 30 years of age, of good health and character. They must not wear hoops under their skirts, ruffles, bows or jewelry. She was even known for turning away women because they were not homely enough. (Pretty women were accused of bringing out the men’s “natural desires.”) Even so, Dix was bombarded with applicants. Readers of Wedded to War will meet Dorothea Dix, or “Dragon Dix” as she was commonly called, in the novel. 2) Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell. An English immigrant, Dr. Blackwell was the first woman to earn a medical degree in the United States, and ran an infirmary for women and children near the slums of New York City. When the Civil War broke out, she realized the Union army needed a system for distributing supplies and organized four thousand women into the Women’s Central Association of Relief (WCAR). The WCAR grew into chapters around the county, and this body systematically collected and distributed life-saving supplies such as bandages, blankets, food, clothing and medical supplies. Blackwell also partnered with several prominent male physicians in New York City to offer a one-month training course for 100 women who wanted to be nurses for the army. This was the first formal training for women nurses in the country. Once they completed their training, they were sent to Dix for placement at a hospital. By July 1861, the WCAR prompted the government to form a national version—the United States Sanitary Commission. And it all started because Dr. Blackwell decided to mobilize the women of the country to help the Union. Dr. Blackwell plays a major role in Wedded to War.  3) Georgeanna Woolsey. At 28 years old, Georgeanna should not have been allowed to serve the army as a nurse, but she got through the application process anyway. Against her mother’s and sisters’ wishes, she was one of the 100 women trained in New York City to be a nurse. Not content to sit in a parlor and knit or scrape lint, she was eager to go where the fighting was, to get her hands dirty in a way she had never been allowed to before as a wealthy, privileged woman. Georgeanna wrote many letters and accounts of her experiences, including this: Some of the bravest women I have ever known were among this first company of army nurses. . . . Some of them were women of the truest refinement and culture; and day after day they quietly and patiently worked, doing, by order of the surgeon, things which not one of those gentlemen would have dared to ask of a woman whose male relative stood able and ready to defend her and report him. I have seen small white hands scrubbing floors, washing windows, and performing all menial offices. I have known women, delicately cared for at home, half fed in hospitals, hard worked day and night, and given, when sleep must be had, a wretched closet just large enough for a camp bed to stand in. I have known surgeons who purposely and ingeniously arranged these inconveniences with the avowed intention of driving away all women from their hospitals. These annoyances could not have been endured by the nurses but for the knowledge that they were pioneers, who were, if possible, to gain standing ground for others. . . Georgeanna Woolsey is the inspiration for my main character in Wedded to War, Charlotte Waverly. Georgeanna’s sister Eliza inspired the fictional sister Alice, as well. 4) Louisa May Alcott. Before she wrote Little Women, Louisa May Alcott was a nurse at the Union Hotel Hospital in Georgetown for six weeks before she contracted typhoid fever and had to return to her home in Concord. Her book Hospital Sketches is full of vivid descriptions of hospital life, from her own duties to the personalities and sufferings of her patients. Louisa arrived in Washington too late for her to fit the timeline of Wedded to War, but her account of the horrific hotel-turned-hospital—which matched the Sanitary Commission report—helped me color my own descriptions of the Union Hotel Hospital. My main character Charlotte finds herself there in the summer of 1861 and quickly learns what it really means to be a nurse in the Civil War. 5) Frederick Law Olmsted. Most people know him as the landscape architect of New York City’s Central Park, which opened just a few years before the war began, or as the founder of modern landscape architecture. But he also played a critical role as the executive secretary of the U.S. Sanitary Commission from 1861 until he burned out from the job in 1863. He was a master administrator, and did untold good for the Union army by inspecting hospital camps and suggesting life-saving improvements in their hygiene, sanitation, cooking, and general care. Olmsted also helped form the fleet of hospital transport ships that removed sick and wounded Union soldiers from the swamps of Virginia during General George B. McClellan’s ill-fated Peninsula Campaign during the summer of 1862. (For more on the hospital transport’s service, read The Other Side of War by Katharine Prescott Wormeley and Hospital Transports, published by the Sanitary Commission in 1863 and available to read in full for free at Frederick Law Olmsted is a character in Wedded to War, interacting with Charlotte Waverly both in Washington and on the hospital transports. *Bacon, Georgeanna Woolsey and Eliza Woolsey Howland, My Heart Toward Home: Letters of a Family During the Civil War. Roseville, Minnesota: Edinborough Press, 2001 (81). 

Behind the Scenes: Novel in Progress!

Sun, 2011-10-30 02:57 -- Jocelyn Green
I realize this blog has been pretty quiet lately--and for good reason. I've been writing my first novel, and my goodness, is it all-consuming. But recently, Brittany Biggs, editorial assistant and author relations extraordinaire at Moody Publishers was in town, and she wrote a blog post about our visit. It originally appeared at River North Fiction, but I'd like to share it with you here too: Hello Fiction Friends, I had the pleasure of meeting one of our great authors this weekend. When I first started working here at Moody Publishers, I was corresponding with Jocelyn Green and noticed on her email signature that she lives on the same street that I did when I attended the University of Northern Iowa in Cedar Falls. It was a fun little coincidence to me. Well, my husband and I took a little trip back to that area this past weekend for a get together with some of his college buddies and their wives and I was able to pop in on Jocelyn and finally meet her face to face. This was my first sit down with an author and it was really neat to hear about her process and see firsthand the different ways in which she organizes herself and her thoughts. Here are 5 fun little facts that I learned about Jocelyn and her writing process: 1) The 4 Civil War fiction novels that Jocelyn is writing for us are her first fiction novels. She has done so much research. In order to keep her ideas organized, she tapes colored index cards to the wall with one line running east to west with actual historical events and then cards running north and south that are fiction lines she is adding in. 2) She also keeps bulletin boards that are packed with pictures of real people from the specific time and place she is writing about, samples of clothes, and pictures of the actual places. 3) She has her own writing room where she keeps all of her materials and said her necessary items include a cup of coffee, her coffee cup warmer, a candle, and writing pants. 4) Jocelyn is a wife and mother of 2 children on top of being a busy author. She keeps her house rolling smoothly by preparing dinners in bulk and freezing them so that her family can still sit down together for dinner at night even though she is working hard at writing. 5) My favorite thing that Jocelyn told me is that at one point in time it was relaxing to have her cat pounce around while she was writing but now she has to keep an eye on the cat because not too long ago he caught his tail on fire while playing too close to Jocelyn’s candle. That would be a little stressful I would say! He looks so sweet and innocent here! It was so great meeting Jocelyn and getting a chance to learn firsthand what a writer does in preparation for a novel. Thanks again for your time and hospitality! Go Panthers! ~Brittany


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