AKA, What We Wish We Knew Before We Got Married
by Jocelyn and Rob (the incredibly supportive husband) Green
Our love story really isn’t very different from yours. We met. We hit it off. In a very short time, we knew we would end up marrying each other. We had a very intentional courtship, because when one of you is in the military, you seriously don’t have time to waste. Ten months later, we were married and—two days later—driving to Rob’s next Coast Guard duty station in Homer, Alaska.
We had read a lot of books and done the premarital counseling thing, but somehow, The 5 Love Languages was not on the list. (Don’t ask me how this major oversight occurred. And don’t tell Dr. Chapman.) We wish it had been best kiwi online casino sites. The premise of The 5 Love Languages is this:
1.The things that make you feel loved may not also help your spouse feel loved. 2.You can learn to love your spouse the way he or she can receive it.
But like I said, we didn’t really think about this. Here’s what happened. Read the full story here.
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