Hello dear friends! I know it's been so long since I've posted anything new--I have two good reasons for that. First, I was busy finishing the novel, Yankee in Atlanta (hooray!). Second, since I turned it in on Halloween, I've been so busy enjoying life with my family, I couldn't bear to sit at my computer for more than a few minutes at a time! I thought I'd give you a glimpse into our first week of "Mommy's done with her book!" Here's what we've been up to:
Pretty soon, I'll be diving into novel number four, Spy of Richmond. I'll be sitting at my computer for long stretches of time once again, and I'll most likely be chiming in on Facebook much more often because a writer gets lonely. :) But in the meantime, I am totally reveling in this time with my family. I hope that you and yours are getting ready for a meaningful Thanksgiving holiday, too! Tell me, what are you most thankful for this year?
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