What's a Readers Retreat?

Wed, 2021-08-04 11:51 -- Jocelyn Green

The Mississippi River Readers Retreat was the third readers retreat I’ve participated in. What all readers retreats have in common is a roster of authors from a variety of genres, and a whole lot of excited readers. To be clear, we authors are always excited to be there, too.

The purpose is to have a place for readers and authors to get to know each other on a level not possible through social media alone. At MRRR, they fostered interaction in a few different ways:

Keynote speakers: Julie Klassen and Cynthia Ruchti each spoke for 25 minutes each. They did a wonderful job! I loved hearing them and I could tell their words greatly blessed everyone who heard them.

Cynthia Ruchti and Julie Klassen

Author Panels: Twenty authors were divided into four panels with five authors on each one. Joyce and Mandy Heffron, the retreat organizers, asked each panel two or three questions, and each author was able to answer. 

L-R: Jocelyn Green, Regina Jennings, Gabrielle Meyer, Stephanie Landsem, Shannon McNear

Round Robins: The event was held in a church fellowship hall full of round tables. One or two authors sat at each table and chatted with the readers there for about ten minutes. Then the authors rotated to a different table to visit with other readers. I loved getting to meet so many readers, and I’m only sorry I didn’t make it to every table!

In the picture below, I’m with Beverly Snyder and her swag bag. We authors were given silver sharpies to sign anyone’s bag who wanted us too. I must have been tired because when I was signing that particular bag, I was thinking about Beverly, and started signing her name instead of mine! I didn't even know whose bag it was, but thankfully, it happened to be Beverly’s, so I just turned it into a greeting before signing my name. Although, now that I think about it, I could have just signed as “Beverly Lewis” and see if she noticed. I’m not sure my forging skills are that good, though.

With Beverly Snyder and her swag bag!

(Sidenote: At another table, we sat with Emma Faye, an accomplished audiobook narrator. Julie Klassen was with us, too, and at the request of Emma’s fellow readers at our table, she narrated a sample from Julie’s book, The Maid of Milkweed Manor for us on the spot. She did a phenomenal job, warranting all the applause. What a fun moment.)

A bookstore had come into the church and carried about three different titles per author so readers could purchase books there and have us sign them, too. I loved being able to personalize copies of my three most recent releases for readers: Between Two Shores, Veiled in Smoke, and Shadows of the White City

With 120 people there, the day flew by, and then it was time for a group photo! 

Have you been to a readers retreat before? What was a highlight for you?

*Note: Comments require moderation, so when yours doesn't appear right away, never fear, it's just waiting for me to approve it.

About the Author: 

Jocelyn Green

Jocelyn Green inspires faith and courage as the award-winning and bestselling author of numerous fiction and nonfiction books, including The Mark of the King; Wedded to War; and The 5 Love Languages Military Edition, which she coauthored with bestselling author Dr. Gary Chapman. Her books have garnered starred reviews from Booklist and Publishers Weekly, and have been honored with the Christy Award, the gold medal from the Military Writers Society of America, and the Golden Scroll Award from the Advanced Writers & Speakers Association. She graduated from Taylor University in Upland, Indiana, with a B.A. in English, concentration in writing. As a speaker, Jocelyn inspires faith and courage in her audiences. She loves Mexican food, Broadway musicals, strawberry-rhubarb pie, the color red, and reading with a cup of tea. Jocelyn lives with her husband Rob and two children in Cedar Falls, Iowa. Visit her at www.jocelyngreen.com.


Submitted by Vickie Escalante on
I'm commenting here because when I blog NO ONE ever responds on the blog! :) I have never been to either type of retreat before so wasn't sure what to expect exactly, but I definitely enjoyed myself immensely at MRRR! What a great time! It was fun to meet all the authors and find out that they were so down to earth and easy to talk to (you included!) and were all genuine and approachable. It was also fun to be in the midst of people that love reading as much as I do. As to a writer's retreat, that is the next one I'd love to get to go to! A whole weekend where I could focus solely on writing would be a dream for me! Thanks for taking the time to share with us not only this blog, but this weekend, too! Vickie

Submitted by Jocelyn Green on
Bless your heart, Vickie! Thanks for commenting! :) I'm thrilled you enjoyed yourself at MRRR. I did too, and so did all the other authors, of course. As for the writers retreat, I definitely could use a whole weekend for it. But we were all happy to do the readers retreat on Saturday, too!

Submitted by Heather on
MRRR was my first readers retreat and I absolutely loved it!! It was so amazing getting to meet and chat with you!

Submitted by Jocelyn Green on
I'm delighted to hear that, Heather! And I believe you, because every time I saw you, you were smiling from ear to ear! It was so fun. I bet your cheeks hurt at the end of the day. (Mine did!)

Submitted by Wanda on
This was a great retreat! As always, not enough time, but everything was so well organized! Meeting the authors on a more personal level is a highlight. Making connections to invite them back for author visits at our library adds even more excitement! A thoroughly wonderful time.

Submitted by Jocelyn Green on
Hi Wanda! I'm so glad you had a great time! I'm sad that yours was one of the tables I didn't get to. I'd love to chat about visiting your library sometime.

Submitted by Claire Johnson on
So glad to have made it to this unique and lovely retreat. I have never been to a readers retreat before but it was fun to be among people of whom I did not have to justify reading fiction. I did enjoy meeting you, but also the other authors as well.

Submitted by Erica D. Vetsch on
I loved the MRRR. I have attended a readers retreat before this one, and the MRRR blew all my expectations away. I loved seeing you and getting to know you a bit better!

Submitted by Brenda Williams on
That would be a glorious event to attend. May someday! Retirement isn't that far away, I'd love to go to one sometime. I love reading. We're going away this weekend and I hope to find time to rest and just read.

Submitted by CutePolarBear on
I have not been to a reader's retreat, but it would be fun to meet multiple authors whose books I enjoy! CutePolarBear

Submitted by Ashley Hedin on
I have never been to a readers retreat but it would be so fun to go connect with other readers that love similar books and meet authors that I adore!

Submitted by Cyndi Karlovich on
That sounds like a glorious time! I have never been to a reader’s retreat before, but it sounds like my kind of retreat for sure!! I will have to see if there is one in my area, or close by. You are one of my favorite authors so, appreciate your review of other books. A dear friend of mine and I will be starting Lean soon as a study together.

Submitted by Debra Slonek on
I have never been to a reader’s retreat, but I have no doubts that I would thoroughly enjoy one. I really love reading and reviewing books.

Submitted by Gloria Wyatt on
I’ve never had the opportunity of attending a readers’ retreat but sounds like so so so much fun! Oh, what glorious enjoyment to sit among fellow readers and discuss “book stuff.”

Submitted by Linda Block on
I have not been to a readers' retreat, but it's a great idea for our book club for 2022! I'm definitely going to suggest it, thanks!

Submitted by Pamela Duarte on
I have never had the opportunity to attend a readers retreat. In fact, to be honest, I had never heard of them until recently. With so many of my favorite authors in attendance, I would have loved to have been there. I'll have to keep my eyes open for next year.

Submitted by Patty on
I have never been to a readers retreat, but I'm sure it would be great fun. I don't think I would want to travel alone, so I would have to find a reader friend close by to come along.

Submitted by Elaine Reinertson on
I have not had the pleasure of attending a readers conference. It sounds very exciting! To meet the authors, round table discussions and simply to be with so many fellow readers sounds like a great time!

Submitted by Jeanette Davis on
wow I would LOVE to attend a readers' retreat. Have never been to one, but would love the chance to talk in person to different authors. As I said in the other blog about the writers' retreat, I love being able to see interviews via zoom and face book; how much better to be able to talk in person...then buy books while the titles are fresh in my mind and have them signed!!! Heavenly!! Thank you for this blog!

Submitted by Trish R on
I have never been to a reader's retreat before, but this post made me want to go to one!

Submitted by Lynette on
I’ve attended a reader’s luncheon where I met 16 authors and listened to 2 speak. It was the highlight of my year. I loved meeting so many authors, the fun swag bag, and getting my books signed.

Submitted by Karen Rochon on
What a lovely time you all had together! I've never been to a retreat like that. I would be a bit star struck probably around so many of my favorite authors being in one place. How fun!

Submitted by Sue Weatherbee on
I have never been to a reader's retreat before, but it sounds like a great tme!

Submitted by danielle hammelef on
I've never been to a writer's retreat before, but they look so rewarding. Possibly in the future I will find an opportunity to attend one.

Submitted by Tina H. on
No, I've never attended a readers retreat. I've been to a ladies' retreat with church. I don't much care for gatherings of people (especially these days), I'm more of a loner. All I need is a few hours and a great book! My hubby squawks sometimes, but he mainly lets me read.

Submitted by Nikita Wells on
I've never been to a readers retreat before, but it sounds like something that would be fun to do!!

Submitted by Elly on
I’ve never been to a retreat before, but it would be amazing to be able to meet all of the fantastic authors and listen to them speak!

Submitted by Sue W on
I have never been to a reader's retreat but it sounds like a lot of fun! It would be great to meet authors in person and talk to them.

Submitted by Lauren on
Thank you for sharing about your experience! I haven't been to one myself but it definitely sounds like fun

Submitted by Shelley Beachy on
I've never been to a reader's retreat, but I think it would be fun to be surrounded by and sharing with others that love to read like I do.

Submitted by Rebekah Kasperson on
I have never gone to a readers retreat before, but it looks fun! I'll have to look into going to one.

Submitted by Marla Allston on
I’ve never been to a readers’ retreat, but it surely sounds like fun. I just starting reading Cynthia Ruchti’s books this year. I love her writing!

Submitted by Anne on
I have never attended a retreat but would love to since I am an avid reader and the event would be unforgettable and special.

Submitted by Mary Preston on
I have never been to a reader's retreat but I'd love to. marypres(AT)gmail(DOT)com

Submitted by Linda A Horin on
I have never been to a reader's retreat, but would love to do that someday! Future goals! eldora2193 (at) comcast (dot) net

Submitted by Vicki Wurgler on
I have never been to a readers retreat but it sounds like it would be fun

Submitted by Pam Kellogg on
I haven't been to a readers retreat but think it sounds like fun. I'd love to go with my book club friends.

Submitted by Anonymous on
Though I've never heard of or been to a "Reader's Retreat" this type of gathering is a great idea for meeting authors you've never heard of and those familiar to you. Being able to hear them speak in person and answer your questions sounds fascinating! Placing the face and person/personality with the books you've been reading, adds a warm and fuller experience for a reader.

Submitted by Lelia (Lucy) Re... on
I have never been but would be a dream come true. I have never met an author.


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