What's a Writers Retreat?

Wed, 2021-08-04 11:22 -- Jocelyn Green

Last week I went to my first ever writers retreat! If you’re not familiar with this type of event, stick around, and I’ll tell you all about it. This particular retreat was hosted by author Gabrielle Meyer in a historic mansion in her hometown of Little Falls, Minnesota.

But before we reached Little Falls, the Bethany House authors stopped in Minneapolis to visit the Bethany House Publishers office. We spent a good chunk of a day there, dividing our time between meetings with our editors, the marketing and publicity team, and of course shared breakfast and lunch.

My editor, Jessica Sharpe, and me, and all the pretty books!

Photobombing Jaime Jo Wright and Kimberley Woodhouse! 

Clockwise from top left: Amy Lynn Green, Gabrielle Meyer, Jaime Jo Wright, Julie Klassen,
Lauraine Snelling, Kimberley Woodhouse, Regina Jennings, Jocelyn Green, and Karen Witemeyer.

Once our time at the BHP office concluded, most of us headed north to check in for the writers retreat!

A writers retreat can serve different purposes for different writers, but the general idea is that it’s time away from our routine responsibilities to focus on writing. Or brainstorming with other authors. And also just visiting to various degrees, because writing is such a solitary job that even the introverts among us love connecting with our fellow writers.

The mansion we stayed in is called Linden Hill, and it sleeps 26 individuals. This was the room I stayed in. Isn’t it so cute?

Photo courtesy of Amy Lynn Green

Most rooms sleep two, but I was doubly blessed to have not one but two amazing roommates! Fellow authors Amy Lynn Green (also the senior fiction publicist for Bethany House) and Karen Witemeyer!

Amy Lynn Green, Jocelyn Green (are we related? I wish!), and Karen Witemeyer

All the meals were provided on site where about twenty of us gathered around two large tables in adjoining dining rooms. It’s amazing how much more time there is in the day when I don’t have to cook or clean up after meals. (Can I get an amen?) Plus there were snacks, and a never ending supply of tea and coffee. Bliss!

One of the dining rooms. Photo courtesy Gabrielle Meyer

Between meals, we had a choice whether to brainstorm in a group, chat, find a corner to work in, or work downstairs in the conference room. This is the window seat Amy Lynn Green found to hide away in with her laptop. So charming!

Photo courtesy Amy Lynn Green

In the morning, I joined the brainstorm group with Lorna Seilstad, Julie Fisk, Lauraine Snelling, Kimberley Woodhouse, and Gabrielle Meyer. We each had a turn posing a specific question or plot point we wanted feedback for. It was a fruitful time, and great fun to throw out ideas for other people’s stories.

Brainstorming! Photo courtesy Gabrielle Meyer

Jenny Snow also came to do a few interviews for her YouTube channel, The Book Club Life (link is external). Here she is with the brilliant Michelle Griep. I encourage you to check out Jenny's YouTube channel, it's packed with author interviews and reviews! Find her first interview with me here (link is external), and her review of Veiled in Smoke here (link is external).

Jenny Snow and Michelle Griep. Photo courtesy of Jenny Snow

After lunch, I headed down to the conference room to write. That's me in the foreground on the right, looking very thoughtful, and surrounded by greatness. I spy Julie Klassen and Lindsay Harrel in the photo. I was a little distracted, wondering what stories they were penning in my very presence. Want to know what I was working on? An email.

The conference room. Photo courtesy Gabrielle Meyer

That’s right, I went to a writers retreat and wrote an email. Ha! But I wanted to share with my editors some ideas that had come from the morning brainstorming session. So I consider the day a win, because coming up with ideas takes me longer than you’d think. (I usually have to slog through a number of bad ideas before coming up with something that actually works.)

The evening offered group discussion and games that people could opt in or out of. So ended the writers retreat, because the next day was spent at the Mississippi River Readers Retreat—so named because Little Falls is right at the headwaters of the river.

What’s a readers retreat, you ask? Hop on over to the next blog post and I’ll tell you.

But before you go—If you're writer, have you been to a writers retreat before? What was the experience like for you?

If you're a reader, tell me in which setting you'd love to curl up and read a book if you had to choose from the photos in this post: the window seat pictured by Amy Lynn Green, the music room where we had our brainstorming session, the cozy bedroom, or the gazebo outside? 

*Note: Comments require moderation, so when yours doesn't appear right away, never fear, it's just waiting for me to approve it.

About the Author: 

Jocelyn Green

Jocelyn Green inspires faith and courage as the award-winning and bestselling author of numerous fiction and nonfiction books, including The Mark of the King; Wedded to War; and The 5 Love Languages Military Edition, which she coauthored with bestselling author Dr. Gary Chapman. Her books have garnered starred reviews from Booklist and Publishers Weekly, and have been honored with the Christy Award, the gold medal from the Military Writers Society of America, and the Golden Scroll Award from the Advanced Writers & Speakers Association. She graduated from Taylor University in Upland, Indiana, with a B.A. in English, concentration in writing. As a speaker, Jocelyn inspires faith and courage in her audiences. She loves Mexican food, Broadway musicals, strawberry-rhubarb pie, the color red, and reading with a cup of tea. Jocelyn lives with her husband Rob and two children in Cedar Falls, Iowa. Visit her at www.jocelyngreen.com.


Submitted by Susan Stitch on
Jocelyn, several women and I have been meeting for nine years now at what we call the Ozark riders retreat. We stay in Branson and rent a house that has the same number of bedrooms as there are people, and each bedroom has its own bathroom! We are all, well most of us, are introverts and we spend all day locked in our rooms writing or doing whatever our goals require us to do. Some of us have published Christian Bible studies and books, all of us have published in magazines and other various places. We set goals the first night and then work on them and report out every night after dinner. Each of us takes a turn making dinner for the rest so nobody has to cook more often than once. After our evening meeting we all scurry back to our rooms like little cockroaches and some of us right till 3:00 or 4:00 in the morning! I'm an early bird and I frequently meet one of the night owls in the kitchen as she's getting ready for bed and I'm getting my coffee. We've branched out a little bit from writing as some of our life goals have changed, but we still set our goals and we work alone. This year we're planning to write a book together based on how we've supported each other and significant life events over the years, so we'll be working a little differently than we usually do. I forwarded your blog to my friends, and they had a couple of comments based on how our retreat is different than yours was. First of all, makeup and bras are optional! And we agree we would never be able to work and write all in the same room at the same time!

Submitted by Jocelyn Green on
Wow Susan, that sounds like a wonderfully productive time! Thank you for sharing that with me! I really enjoyed hearing your experience.

Submitted by Katie Poole on
The gazebo sounds perfect to me. Unless it was too hot outside. Then it would be the window seat. I always wanted both to read in when I was a kid. When we built our house I made sure my daughter has a window seat in her room for reading. And one day I will have a gazebo somewhere in my yard.

Submitted by Cindy Lear on
I think it depends on the weather. If it was raining outside, which is perfect reading weather, I would love to be in the cozy window seat that Amy Lynn found. If it was a sunny day, I would opt for the gazebo.

Submitted by Debra Slonek on
I am a reader and if I were looking for the perfect place to read, I would probably choose the gazebo. I love reading outdoors and hearing the sounds of nature.

Submitted by Cheryl Ann McCray on
I would choose the gazebo if the weather was warm and sunny. If it was chilly or raining then the window seat would be lovely.

Submitted by Gloria Wyatt on
I would just love to spend time in the window seat. Sounds like every room would be great, though!

Submitted by Linda Block on
The cozy window seat with all those books on the shelves would be my choice, so beautiful !!

Submitted by Karishma Sinha on
I love a good window seat where there is ample of natural light coming in. So the picture by Amy Lynn Green is my pick. Thank you for the chance

Submitted by Jodi Wresh on
I like to curl up on the couch with coffee while reading and of course my cat curled up next to me. I really like the Book nook at Bethany House Publishers office. so beautiful. I don't live very far from there as i am in White Bear Lake, MN

Submitted by Heidi on
I've never been to a writers retreat but it sounds ah-may-zing! I'd choose the room where you brainstormed for my reading spot.

Submitted by Jeanette Davis on
Wow wonderful pictures and stories! All the areas would be lovely to sit in and read, read, read the day away, but my very favorite would be the window seat. So cozy. Thank you so much for this blog; I would be awe struck to be in the same retreat with all of you wonderful authors. I love being able to come to so many interviews with different authors via zoom, face book and through blogs/newsletters.

Submitted by April L Cunningham on
Reader here and I'm choosing the window seat, or maybe the gazebo. Let's be honest, I'd curl up in any of those places and read! Thanks for telling us about Jenny Snow. I'm excited to watch her videos and get to know her!

Submitted by Tina H. on
The window seat would be wonderful to me. I could look outside if I wanted to, or simply stretch out and read all day long and far into the night.

Submitted by Connie Hendryx on
Ooooo--that little book nook looks delightful! With a nice cup of coffee, I'd be happy for quite some time! I am a reader, not a writer...(though I do edit my daughter's books!)

Submitted by danielle hammelef on
I would choose the cozy nook with the bench and bookshelf or the gazebo on a warm weather day (I love reading outside).

Submitted by Lanya on
The music room is soo beautiful!! Definitely there for me!

Submitted by Sue W on
The window seat but it would be hard to decide what book to read as the books in the bookcase look interesting.

Submitted by Julie Yang on
Honestly, I'd be happy to read anywhere in that place! It literally looks so gorgeous!!!!

Submitted by Burma Turner on
I think I would choose the cosy bedroom! I love the light coming in through the window.

Submitted by Shelley Beachy on
Since I'm a reader, I'll have to say that window seat looks so cozy and like the perfect place to get lost in a great book.

Submitted by Rebekah Kasperson on
I am a reader and I would love to curl up in the window seat (picture by Amy Lynn Green)! It looks so peaceful and quiet.

Submitted by Linda Horin on
I am torn between the window seat and the gazebo. The window seat looks so comfy and cozy, but in good weather I do love being outside! Thank you for the opportunity! eldora2193 (at) comcast (dot) net

Submitted by Vicki Wurgler on
the window seat is the perfect place to curl up and read

Submitted by bn100 on

Submitted by Connie Ruggles on
I've never been to a writer's retreat. And I would pick some time in each setting you described, because if I was there, I would just want to experience it all. Your bedroom was so pretty! This must have been such a blessing!!

Submitted by Tammie J Edingt... on
I am a writer and went on a week-long retreat in Florida in February. It was lead by two multi-published authors and there was about 20 of us. We listened to their advice and was able to write and meet with them personally and they helped us brainstorm out stories.

Submitted by Diane on
Gosh it's a hard choice as it all looks so beautiful and relaxing. I would have to go with reading in the Gazebo, you can do 2 favorite things. Enjoy a great book and enjoy the fresh air outdoors, how can life get any better? I know, a nice drink at your side. LOL

Submitted by Jocelyn Green on
Thank you to all who commented! The winner of the give-away for The Weight of Memory by Shawn Smucker is Michelle L. Michelle, I've emailed you, so please check your inbox and possibly junk mail folder. Thank you!

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