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A Liberty Inspired Give-away!

Wed, 2013-05-08 10:47 -- Jocelyn Green

I am so excited to offer today's give-away to one lucky reader! Widow of Gettysburg has officially launched, and I hope that many of you have your copies already in hand. Now, wouldn't you just love to enhance your reading experience? Christy-nominated author and craftista Joanne Bischof has created a handmade rag rug for this give-away package, just like the rag rugs in Liberty Holloway's farmhouse, and I'm contributing two CDs of music: the soundtrack to the Gettysburg movie, as well as the soundtrack to the movie Glory. (Glory tells the story of the 54th Mass. regiment which fought bravely at Fort Wagner a couple weeks after the battle of Gettysburg. One of my characters fought with the 54th. It is a GREAT movie!) I listened to both of these soundtracks as I was writing Widow of Gettysburg, and I can tell you without a doubt, you will LOVE hearing the music in the background while you read! And now imagine sinking your toes into a comfy rag rug--add a glass of lemonade and a slice of rhubarb pie, and you'll be all set for a total sensory experience! ;)


Now, for all you crafty people out there, Joanne has given us a special treat, and made a rag rug video tutorial using this rug as the example! So if you would like to make your own, you totally can. Just watch below. (Even if you aren't interested in the project, take a peek anyway to get to know Joanne, author of Be Still My Soul and Though My Heart Is Torn, a little better. The amazing music in the background was composed and performed by her very own father! How cool is that!?)

Enter the Drawing

Here's how to enter! Take a look at the three quotes below, all of which are taken from Widow of Gettysburg. Now leave a comment telling me which one means the most to you, and why, if you want to share. (If you don't want to say why, just say which is your favorite.) Click on the image to see them larger.

For extra entries:

  1. Share this blog post on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or if somehow you have avoided all social media, just send the link to a friend in an email.
  2. Go to my new "Inspiration" photo album on my Facebook author page, and "share" one or more of the photos there. You get one entry for each one you share.
  3. Go to my "Inspiring Faith and Courage" album on Pinterest and "repin" one or more of the pins there. Again, one entry for each repin.
  4. Like my Facebook author page, or tell me that you've already liked it. :)
  5. Send me a photo of you with your copy of Widow of Gettysburg, along with your permission to use it on my FB page and on this Web site. You could email it to me ( or simply post it on my FB author page.
  6. If you've already read Widow but would still love this package, post a review on Amazon and you'll receive TWO entries! Now, if you haven't read Wedded to War (book 1 in the series) yet but would like to, and own an ereader device, say so in your comment. River North is throwing in a free ebook of Christy Award finalist Wedded to War to one reader who posts a review of Widow. :) I don't always check my reviews at Amazon, so please tell me after you've left a review so I can give you credit! Thanks!

Don't forget to tell me in the comments section if you've done any of these "extras"! Thank you! I will draw a winner on Friday, May 17! Good luck! If you don't win, though, I hope you won't let that stop you from finding a copy on your own. Read about the book and watch the book trailer here.


Great, thanks so much Cherie, and good luck in the drawings!

Submitted by Vickie Jameson on
"You don't know what you can do until it's required of you." I like them all, but I like this one best. It "spoke to me". I'm thinking a lot about Pastor Abedini these days, who is, at this very moment, imprisoned in Iran and being tortured for his refusal to recant his faith in Jesus Christ. Would I be able to stand in the face of adversity if it were required of me? I don't know the answer to that question. I think it's "yes", but I hope I'm never required to find out. Thanks for the giveaway.

'You do not know what you can do until it's required of you' immediately rang a bell! A WW1 veteran of four years in the trenches, my GrandPa used to say this often! History tells us it's the measure of courage proven by so many! Thanks to Sarah, I discovered your novels and thank you for the opportunity to enter a very sweet giveaway! Blessings,

Submitted by Meg on
"You don't know what you can do until its required of you." I loved this quote, but it was close between this and " came in the morning." In a sense, I think they tie together. Its the challenges in life that may make us weep, but they are also instrumental in our growth. Sometimes we don't see how far the challenges in our life have brought us until we look back in the "morning." Also, one of the greatest blessings can be to be challenged and thus given the opportunity to rise to our full potential. Part of the joy we receive (which, of course, is a wonderful part of His promise) can definitely be from the growth we see, in our soul, and in our lives.

Submitted by Meg on
I repinned two pins, and "liked" your author page. Thank you :)

" You never know what you can do until it's required of you." This is true. I have seen things done that no one would think possible.

"Where we think there is wasteland, God will bring new life!" This qoute is my favorite because it reminds me that we often judge things too soon. God has a plan, His plan if best and His plan is right on schedule! God is not done yet and He will work all things for the good of those who love Him! (Romans 8:28) The things we find to be impossible are easy for our God!! Thanks again for writing such a wonderful book! Martha

Submitted by karenk on
I LOVE all three of these beautiful sayings...especially "Weeping had endured for the night, but JOY came in the morning" This passage has always filled me w/ hope...and renewal. I cannot wait to read your latest novel. And congratulations for your double Christy nomination.

I love the concept of the Lord taking our wastelands and creating beauty and life. One of my favorite chapters in Isaiah promises streams in the desert and newness of life. Thanks for another beautiful book filled with poignant truths and great story.

Submitted by DebiHIS on
<i>"you don't know what you can do until it is required of you"</i> this quote speaks to me because i have gone through betrayal/rejection more than once, and with the grace of God was able to go on. i loved this book! stayed up way too late to finish, but you just could not stop reading it. i'll have to go back and read the first one now :). def. looking forward to the next one!

Submitted by DebiHIS on
heading to Amazon now to leave a review :)

Submitted by DebiHIS on
i shared the quote on my FB page, and i do have a couple ereaders. it helps my house from being overrun by books as i LOVE to read!

Hi Debi! Thanks so much for all your entries! You are entered into the Liberty give-away, AND for the ebook of Wedded to War!

Submitted by Virginia on
I already liked your author page. I love 'weeping had endured for a night...' And I just finished this book yesterday and it was AMAZING. Thank you so much for all the hard work and research that went into this. I've never visited a single battleground (unless it was a cowboys-Indian one, since I'm over here in Oregon) and the Civil War came alive for me! Leaving a review on Amazon!

Virginia, I'm so glad the Civil War came alive for you through Widow of Gettysburg! Thanks for leaving a review, that earns you two more entries. Would you like me to enter you in the drawing for a free ebook of Wedded to War, too?

Submitted by Cathy Allen on
The saying that where there is wasteland, God will bring new life. We all have trials and sorrows in our lives, and I truly believe that God can and does bring new life to us and uses both the glad times and the not good times. We may not believe something good can come out of a bad thing/experience but the all powerful God can and does do that.

Amen to that, Cathy! New life from wasteland, joy after darkness, all of this is possible through God.

Submitted by Janet Estridge on
Dear Jocelyn, Thanks for entering me in your giveaway. I would love to win the books to give to my Church Library. I "Like" you on Facebook.

Where we think there is wasteland God will bring new life. Gettysburg is a great example of this as are mose Civil War battlefields.

Submitted by Charissa on
"You don't know what you can do until it's required of you..." I feel strongest about that quote for I feel that many of the trials we go through in life are meant to strengthen us, and many of us don't know our own strengths until we are made to endure those times. Many of us have talents or gifts we are blessed with, but don't realize we have the ability to make something of it, or fear failure, until the time comes when we are required to use them. If it wasn't for those times, those challenges, those struggles, we may never realize the strengths or abilities we have living within us.

I am just entering this contest and will do more than just sharing this site onto my timeline on .FB. And Pinterest....will email all my entries....

Submitted by Charissa on
I liked your page, shared your blog on facebook, shared an inspiration photo on facebook and pinterest, and I do have an ereader, kindle, and would love to read your books! But really I just love being there for all the amazing authors out there, and getting to know them is so much fun! Thank you for this wonderful give-away and God bless. :)

Submitted by Jocelyn Green on
Thank you Charissa! So nice to meet you, and on behalf of all authors, thanks for your support! :) We love getting to know readers. Without you, there would be no point in writing books. Thanks for all your entries!

I like the new life coming into a wasteland. It reminds me of a lesson I learned when my 18-year marriage was torn apart, my two sons left home, and my business failed. My Sunday School teacher said "Different doesn't have to be bad, just different." It took about two years for me to understand that different can be okay as long as I keep my eyes fixed on the Lord. Though my family circumstances remain difficult, God has brought "New Life" by developing a career I never dreamed possible. And, more good friends than I can count. Plus with the Lord there's always hope for new life in my family's wasteland.

Submitted by Jocelyn Green on
Wow Patti! I'm sure that stage of life seemed like a wasteland indeed. So thrilled to see new life springing up afterward. Thank you for sharing!

Submitted by Brandy Ford on
You don't know what you can do until it is required of you. This is so true! The last 18 months have been very trying and I had no idea how much strength I had until It was required of me.

Submitted by Brandy ford on
I liked your Facebook page and shared a photo. Thanks for offering such a great giveaway!

Submitted by bonnie on
"Where we think there is wasteland, God will bring new life" - this quote reminds me of the many times that I have seen what might be termed a worthless person, by many, transformed by the love &amp; power of God. I have already "liked" your Facebook page. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway opportunity!


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