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Something for Every Reader Give-Away!

Thu, 2013-09-26 06:00 -- Jocelyn Green

A note from Jocelyn: I am so excited to be part of author Joanne Bischof's "Something for Every Reader" blog tour to celebrate the release of My Hope Is Found, the grand finale to her Cadence of Grace series! She's here today with  a devotional thought, and at the end of the post you may enter to win her book, plus mine! Be sure to check out the other stops along the blog tour to enter for other terrific book packages as well.

Weeping vs. Joy

by Joanne Bischof As a writer works on a novel, we often think of a verse that might fit the story. An epigraph, of sorts. As I was writing Be Still My Soul, I knew that the opening verse would be Psalm 30:5. And as author Jocelyn Green was working on Widow of Gettysburg, she knew the opening verse would be Psalm 30:5, too! When we became friends, neither of us knew about it until later on when our books came out. We had a good laugh.

Truly…it’s the perfect verse for both books. A great many stories, really. Because in many ways, this verse encompasses the beauty of a story. That though weeping may endure for a night…joy comes in the morning. It’s the journey we sometimes travel in life, the thread woven through a tale. But why the weeping? Why can’t life just be easy and grand and always delightful? I think because it’s part of the story. It’s part of our story, at times. I look back over my life and I see the valleys of shadow… the seasons of life when nothing made sense and the darkness felt ever-present. Have you ever had a time like that? It feels big and heavy and we wonder if the sun could ever rise again. It’s that moment when—as we are faced with nothing but loss and emptiness—God reaches down and we feel His touch. His ever-present goodness. That promise that no matter what, He is by our side. He will never leave us or forsake us. It’s what we cling to. Resting in the comfort of His faithfulness. And then suddenly, the mountain comes into view, the shadows fall away. We never know what it’s going to look like but then, there it is… that light on the horizon. Golden, warm—freeing. For joy comes in the morning. The sun hits us and we feel it through every inch of our bodies. Hope infusing our every limb. A glance back shows the valley, and while at the time, we may have yearned to be free of the darkness, we also know that it’s because of the valley, that we can experience the full joy of the light.

“Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.”

Can you think of a time when Psalm 30:5 unfolded in your life?

About Joanne

Christy Award-finalist and author of The Cadence of Grace seriesJoanne Bischof has a deep passion for Appalachian culture and writing stories that shine light on God’s grace and goodness. She lives in the mountains of Southern California with her husband and their three children. When she’s not weaving Appalachian romance, she’s blogging about faith, folk music, and the adventures of country living that bring her stories to life.

The Give-away

Thanks for visiting us on the “A Book For Every Reader” blog tour! Leave a comment below to be entered to win not one but TWO books! One of Joanne’s and one of mine: Widow of Gettysburg. (Click the book covers for more information on each story.) Also, to enter in the grand giveaway prize which includes some country goodies and an e-reader, simply hop on over and fill out the entry form: You’ll also find the official details. Winners will be drawn on September 28th and contacted via email. Thanks for joining us!


Would love to have a pb copy of Widow of Gettysburg, and one of joannes books too. This is such a wonderful giveaway and I am so enjoying each one of you ladies blogs and what your offering. Wanting to write myself it is sweet to read good works by sisters in the Lord. Thanks to Julie for letting me know about these wonderful offerings... Hugs to all of you. Linda Finn

Linda, Such a joy to have you visiting each of the posts and leaving your sweet comments. So glad that you found this through Julie!

Submitted by Tammi T. on
Several times come to mind where weeping endured for a night but joy came in the morning. One of them that comes to mind is my youngest child's fight with a congenital heart defect known as HLHS. A few doctors suggested abortion but I told them that wasn't an option. I was told he would never walk but now he runs, jumps, rides his bike etc. He has had 4 surgeries, (3 of them before he was two yrs old). Looking at him now, you'd never know anything was wrong with him if it weren't for the scars on his chest (and the heavy breathing while he is playing). He is currently 9 yrs old. What a joy he is! Praise God!

Oh, Tammi, what a story. Rejoicing with you over the health of your son AND for your decision to trust him to God's care nine years ago. A blessed by he is indeed!

Submitted by Patty on
I lost a sister a few years back in a car accident. There were certainly some difficult times and much weeping (especially for my parents) after that, but we have great memories of Katy and many continued blessings to thank the Lord for. I look forward to reading both of your books.

Patty, My heart goes out to you and your family at the loss of the sister. Rejoicing with you , as well, over the wonderful memories made.

Submitted by Bonnie Roof on
Oh, yes, Joanne - Psalm 30:5 has unfolded in my life numerous times: illness (both mine, & family members), divorce, loss of job, family problems, financial problems). Each time - God was there to pick up the pieces, strengthen my relationship with him, & teach me, yet again, another lesson. It was during these trials, that I experienced the greatest growth in him, & true "joy came in the morning"! Thanks for the reminder through another of your posts - beautiful, as always - & thanks to you & Jocelyn for the opportunity to win a copy of your wonderful books!

It's really amazing how that Psalm plays out in so many areas of our lives. I'm so glad you've been able to cling to it as you walk those roads. Thanks for being here and for visiting with us this week!

Hey, Joss & Joanne -- BEAUTIFUL post today, guys, and definitely one of my favorite Scriptures too. I used it A LOT with my kids -- especially my daughter when she would encounter heartbreak. The last breakup she experienced was truly awful in scope, but wonderful in how it propelled us to the throne of God, literally clinging to Him with this Scripture. And, boy, He always came through -- especially the last time when she met her hubby a mere month after breaking off a near-engagement with a guy who would not have been good for her. Great post, Joanne -- see you tomorrow!! Joss -- hope the deadline is coming along, my friend! Hugs, Julie

Isn't it amazing how those tough times truly can propel us to the throne of grace? So well said! I'm so glad that you've felt his presence as He's been working to complete those works. Thanks for visiting with us each day. I've enjoyed all your comments!

Submitted by Shirley Blanchard on
Thanks for the chance to win one of your books Shirley B

Submitted by Wilani Wahl on
I will attempt again and hope this will not be a duplicate. Thank you for that verse. I love it and have seen it work many times in my life. thank you for your great post.

Thanks for being here, Wilani. I've enjoyed getting to know you more through this hop!

Submitted by Shirley Ashley on
Love reading novels on history and that are pure with scripture to relate to life's most difficult times! Something that we all have at one time or another. It is comforting to see hope, even if it's in a book! Thanks.

So true, Shirley... it really is so great to have books that point right back the scriptures. :)

Submitted by Anne Rightler on
What a wonderful promise we have as children of God. Joy does come in the morning and if you truly recognize the sovereignty and deep love of the Father you can know peace and joy in the midst as well. Thank you for sharing your hearts and talents. Anne

And thank you, Anne for sharing those words!

Another beautiful post, Joanne! I always LOVE reading your words. Thank you so much for sharing them! Psalm 30:5 is such a wonderful verse. How blessed and privileged we are to be able to seek refuge in God and His Word!

Thanks so much Britney. :) It's a keeper verse for sure, isn't it? And oh yes, what a privilege it is, indeed!!

Submitted by Paula Osborne on
I spent many years having migraine headaches and thought they would never stop but they have, when I started taking meds Norvasc, I have never had another headache...I have been so thankful for this I think my going through all those terrible years has given me a different view of life now and I appreciate my health though it is not perfect-I can accept more. if that makes sense. Love to read comments today and like the verse you both chose for your book, it has meaning for many of us in different ways... thanks Paula O

So true, Paula. Those rough patches really can make us appreciate the good times. A reminder for me each day. Thanks for being here!

Submitted by michelle delp on
I can't wait to read your book! And I love Joanne Bischoff's books, too!

Thanks, Michelle! And you will love Jocelyn's books. They are FANTASTIC.

Submitted by Judy Burgi on
I can remember several “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning" moments. The first one was when my husband left me after 25 years of marriage. The second one was when I learned I had breast cancer. The third one was when my second husband died of a brain tumor two days after our eighth anniversary. There were days I didn't know how I got through it but I do know that it was only because of God walking with me and lifting me up. His promise of, I will never leave nor forsake you was shown to me. I am so happy that I am walking with my Lord through this journey called life. Blessings! Judy B

Judy, my heart aches for all that you've been through, as you've endured those seasons of weeping and lost those who were so dear to you. Rejoicing with you as you've felt God's promise through those times and that He truly has never nor will ever leave you nor forsake you. Hugs!

Submitted by Beth on
Wow...I am taking a break at work, and this brought tears to my eyes. In the past couple of weeks, I have really been taking things for granted and complaining about some issues that my family is going through. One day on the way to work, driving a borrowed car, praying, but mostly worrying about bills, I came to realize how selfish I was being and how truly blessed I am. Thank you so much for this beautiful reminder that He's not finished with me, that He's always there. I appreciate the chance to win as well. I already own Wedded to War and Be Still My Soul, so it would be great to get the next two books! Beth

Oh, Beth, big hugs to you, too. I can't even tell you how many times I have been in that place of fretting or worrying and forgetting to trust. Your heart and honesty has blessed me and I'm so glad that the post was an encouragement to you.

Submitted by Debra on
I appreciate your scriptural perspective. Thank you for using your writing ability to bless us.

Thank you so much for your sweet comment, Debra.

Submitted by Julie Fogle on
LOve this sweet heartfelt blog. What a great verse to keep close to us in these days. Our lives are full of struggles, but God is faithful to help us endure through the nights/dark times to awake to a new morning full of joy and promise! Love both of these authors, Joanne-a personal friend, it has been a joy to read her books and see her writing and stories unfold into an amazing story of Gideon and Lonnie. Jocelyn Green-loved Wedded to War, stayed up late a couple nights to finish that one. It ended exactly as I hoped and was full of intrigue and historical events. Thanks to you both for taking us places in these books we could never experience in our lives!

Well hello, neighbor!! :) I'm so thankful for you. Not only for your friendship, but the godly example you are to others. On top of it all, you've been such an encouragement with my writing and stories. Thank you! And I am so so glad that you've been enjoying Jocelyn's books!!

Submitted by amyc on
Wonderful post today! Both Jocelyn and Joanne are a blessing in their writing.

Heartfelt thanks, Amy! Jocelyn has been a blessing to my life. As have you! :)

Submitted by Darlene Lindstrom on
Hi everyone, I have really enjoyed going to each different author's website and reading about them and how interesting the authors are! and their books! Plus their blogs! It has completed my day!or week! I don't know anyone's books except for Julie Lessman I have everyone ofr her books! :),That is what got me here!I am always looking for Christian fiction books especially with a message! I feel so blessed no matter if i win or not i have found four more great author's now so i can start by collecting all their books also! It's a win win for all of us!I have subscribed to everyone's blogs and or newsletter which is fantastic! Now i will know what is going on with these great five authors and their upcoming books and blogs!I am so happy I found some more Christian authors! i love to read all the time.... Plus you learn every time you read something...God Bless you and your family's! Thank you so very much for putting this awesome different authors win a book plus a e reader it's so exciting and i know all the hard work and dedication you authors have to write a book! Much less a series!Plus the main thing , You are sharing God's gift to you as a Christian writer to all of Christian's plus non Christian's so they may be saved also! God Bless You! Thank you All! may Peace be with You! Love,your Sister in Christ, Darlene Lindstrom

Good morning, Darlene. It's SO wonderful to hear that you've been enjoying all the different blogs and it just makes me so happy to think of you getting to know all of these lovely authors. Thanks for following along with us and being such a sweet encouragement along the way!

Can't wait to read these books! :)

Hi Micaela! I hope you enjoy them!!

Submitted by Mary Kay on
I tried to do this earlier and lost my text, so I'll try it again! :) I am new to your blog and what good timing! I'm at a place of joy in my life after a hard time and my circumstances haven't changed, but my perspective has thanks to God's peace. Thanks for the chance to win some awesome books. :)

Mary Kay, great to see you here. Happy as can be that you've fond Jocelyn's blog...i's a keeper. :) I'm so glad that after walking through that valley you are in that beautiful place.

Really would love to read some wonderful books! Fingers crossed!

It's always lovely to see you Melody. Glad you are here!

Submitted by Cherie Kasper on
Would love to win these books. I have read the Widow of Gettysburg that I had won in another contest, but I would love to share another on with the library if they don't already have it, or friends if they do. Love your blogs

Cherie, I just love hearing that you've read Widow of Gettysburg. It was one of my favorites this year. Thanks for visiting with us!

Submitted by Charlotte Phillips on
Thanks so much for the contest !! I love finding new authors and their personal stories as well as their novels. Can't wait to read some of the ones listed here!! Charlotte

Charlotte - I'm so glad this has allowed you to find some new authors! I truly thought thats what would make the idea so fun :) I pray these stories bless you...Happy reading!!

Submitted by Abbi Hart on
Beautiful post! I have heard many good things about Joanne's books but haven't got the chance to read any yet and I loved both Wedded to War and Widow of Gettysburg so thank you so much for this chance to win! gatorade635(at)gmail(dot)com

It always does my heart good to hear that you've heard good things about the Cadence of Grace series. Thanks, Abbi! :) You and I are both fans of Jocelyn's. Aren't her books fabulous?!

Submitted by Lisa Harness on
Thank you both so much for sharing Ps. 30:5 in your books. This verse has been with me constantly over the pst 2 years. After the unexpected deaths of my husband and son within 2 months of each other. Yes, joy does come in the morning. I really look forward to reading your books, especially now after reading this blog.

Oh, Lisa, I am so sorry to hear that you've lost both your husband and son. Wishing I could give you a big hug... and I admire your strength and courage as you cling to Him through it all. Praying a sweet blessing on your day today.


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