Giveaway and Sale for Military Wives!

Fri, 2016-05-06 06:30 -- Jocelyn Green

Happy Military Spouse Appreciation Day! As a former military wife myself, I'd like to extend a heartfelt thank you to each of you who is married to someone who is active duty, National Guard, Reserves, or even retired from any branch of service. I definitely appreciate the servicemembers themselves, but today is about you, the spouse! Your sacrifices and dedication are rarely in the spotlight, but you are the backbone of your family! I'm praying special blessings over each one of you today.

In honor of your service, I'm giving away THREE copies of the book, Stories of Faith and Courage from the Home Front.Here's the book blurb:

Stories of Faith and Courage from the Home Front captures the fascinating and inspiring history of the heroines and heroes at home, from the very foundation of our nation up until the present day. It presents stories of many lesser known figures, as well as well-known political figures. Each individual's significant legacy of faith and courage impacted by war brings insights into their faith, lives and society in which they lived. Each story includes a coordinated Scripture and a prayer for today's military, families, or individuals encountering struggles.

It's a 365-day book, with a brief reading for each day. Most of the stories are about military spouses, with some parents, children, siblings, and a few dedicated civilian stories included as well. It was while I was researching this book of true stories that I was inspired to write what would become the Heroines Behind the Lines Civil War series of novels! 

Want to read an excerpt? Try any of the following:

To enter the drawing, please leave a comment telling me which branch of service your family represents, and why you'd like a copy of this book! I'll choose a winner using at the end of Monday, May 9. The winners will be emailed Tuesday May 10. Winners, you must reply with your mailing address within two days or I'll have to select a different winner. 

Now, to let you in on an amazing sale happening right now at for three books I either co-authored or contributed to! For a limited time (which could mean just today, or just this weekend), the following books are sharply discounted:

If you're a military spouse, treat yourself to some encouraging words with this sale! If you know a military spouse, consider buying him or her a gift.

Happy Military Spouse Appreciation Day!

About the Author: 

Jocelyn Green

Jocelyn Green inspires faith and courage as the award-winning and bestselling author of numerous fiction and nonfiction books, including The Mark of the King; Wedded to War; and The 5 Love Languages Military Edition, which she coauthored with bestselling author Dr. Gary Chapman. Her books have garnered starred reviews from Booklist and Publishers Weekly, and have been honored with the Christy Award, the gold medal from the Military Writers Society of America, and the Golden Scroll Award from the Advanced Writers & Speakers Association. She graduated from Taylor University in Upland, Indiana, with a B.A. in English, concentration in writing. As a speaker, Jocelyn inspires faith and courage in her audiences. She loves Mexican food, Broadway musicals, strawberry-rhubarb pie, the color red, and reading with a cup of tea. Jocelyn lives with her husband Rob and two children in Cedar Falls, Iowa. Visit her at


Submitted by Joanna Rummel on
My husband is in the TN army national guard. I would love to have this book because it's encouraging to know and see others are going through what you are in. Plus it shows that all our trials do come to end and there is always hope.

Submitted by Jocelyn Green on
Hi Joanna, yes, I totally agree with you! There is such encouragement in hearing that others have gone through similar situations, and that there is hope!

Submitted by Jackie V. on
My husband is in the Army. I would like to win because this has been on my to read list for awhile and I just haven't gotten a copy yet :).

Submitted by Jocelyn Green on
Hi Jackie, I'm glad to hear this has been on your to-read list! Hope you are feeling appreciated today!

Submitted by Robin Gilbert on
Thank you for the inspiration and time that you take to share God's word with Military spouses. Being a military spouse is a blessing, but at times it can be trying. Your encouragement is well needed and appreciated.

Submitted by Jessica on
We are a Coast Guard family. This book has been on my wish list for a long time! Thanks for a chance to win a copy!

Submitted by Amy Stevens on
My husband is Navy, and I would like to win a book because we now have a 6 month old daughter!

Submitted by Mary Preston on
My father was in the army. I'd love to read a book that celebrates the family too.

Submitted by Jocelyn Green on
Hi Mary, Yes definitely, the home front deserves to be honored and celebrated.

Submitted by Terrill Rosado on
My husband served was in the Army and reenlisted during the Gulf War. He served in one capacity or another (active or reserves) until 10 years ago when we moved out of the country for his job with Homeland Security. He was diagnosed with PTSD after 9/11. He didn't work in any kind of 9/11 recovery, but all of the coverage had an effect on his mental state due to a traumatic event he experienced while he served in Kuwait. About four years ago, after a stressful year at work, his coping skills diminished and he admitted himself into the VA hospital. Since then, we have experienced extreme highs and lows due to his PTSD, medications and various therapies. I can happily say that with the power of prayer and faith in our Lord Jesus, he is back to being the ambitious, focused and Godly man that I married 21 years ago. Even though my husband is not actively serving, there is a strong military presence in our life due to the ongoing effects of PTSD and the care provided by the VA. While I could be looking at the negative effects of my husband's military service, I instead try to look at all of the positive services the VA provides for the health of my family because of it. Also, thank you for your gift and commitment to military families.

Submitted by Jocelyn Green on
Terrill, my heart goes out and my hat is off to you and your husband. I'm so happy to hear he is doing so much better now. I'm sure there are ongoing effects of PTSD, and I applaud you for choosing to look at the positives in your lives. Well done. Best wishes to you!!

Submitted by Shirley Ashley on
The Air Force is near and dear, a place my son straight out of high school spent 4 years. I would like the book because I have read other books written by you and enjoyed them immensely. This lady is a patriot who loves America and her history. With that comes great respect and honor of our service men and women and their families that serve their enlistment with the soldier.

Submitted by Jocelyn Green on
Hi Shirley, I'm so glad to hear you've read and enjoyed other books of mine already. This would definitely be a great one to add to your collection! I wish you and your family all the best.

Submitted by Marie on
My husband is army and the reason I'd like to win the book is to read other stories with. The military community so that I can feel like I'm not the only one going through various things in this life. Thank you for the opportunity, Jocelyn and may the winner be blessed with this :) Marie H

Submitted by Jocelyn Green on
Marie, that's a great reason! It's so helpful to hear from those who have gone before us, isn't it? All the best to you and your family.

Submitted by Kate Mackereth on
Hi Jocelyn! I'm not sure if this offer extends to Australian military wives but I would truly love to get my hands on your books. My husband has served in the Army (Artillery) for twenty two years, only Five as a Christian and only Four with me. Between us we have six children, our youngest is five months old. He is about to be deployed for 9 months and I've joined a Solid rock ministry here in Australia which provides bible studies for defence wives. I heard about you and I'm very encouraged! I love to write also so I'm eager to see how you have combined your love of writing with being a military Christian wife. Australia does not have the kind of encouragement here that you guys have available but hopefully in time we will. God is truly amazing the way he uses women who look to him, particularly as their husband. I want to model this to my children as best I can while my husband is away particularly so that they will look to God as their father. I would highly value this reading material to help equip us as a family, unless of course it only extends to the states. In which case, I would be green with envy haha!!

Submitted by Jocelyn Green on
Hello Kate! I'm so pleased to meet you! Sounds like you have your hands full, I'll be praying for you as you're gearing up for a deployment. This book may be an encouragement to you, but I've written others that may help as well, if you'd like to browse the nonfiction page on this Web site (under Books). Though the books are usually marketed to a U.S. audience, God's truths apply to all military wives, no matter where we live! So thank you for connecting! If your name is drawn for this book, I could send you an ebook version. Hopefully you have an ereading device! (I did get your email, too, thank you!)

Submitted by Kate on
Thank you. I do have iBooks. I ordered 'deploying faith' last night which looks fantastic. Aussie Christian military wives have very little available so your work is encouraging regardless. We had some of your marines visiting our church here in Darwin the other week! Great to see!❤️

Submitted by Debora Wilder on
My husband retired from the Air Force in 1997. I would love to win a copy of this book because it caught my attention when it first came out. The idea of starting each day with an inspiring story about the military really appeals to me.

Submitted by Jocelyn Green on
Hi Debora, thank you and your husband for your service! Yes, these stories are a great way to start the day. Best wishes!

Submitted by Amy Eaton on
My husband is currently serving in the Army Reserves and celebrates 18 years of service this month! I would love to have a copy of this book because I enjoy reading inspirational encouragement. I often find that when the Lord has encouraged me with a powerful word, it is also for someone else so I can share that word with another! I still have my taped-up, signed copy of Faith Deployed and it will always remain near to my heart as a book that brought me much encouragement as I faced my first deployment of being home while he was away at war. Thank you for sharing your gift Jocelyn. It's an honor to call you friend.

Submitted by Jocelyn Green on
Amy, wow, 18 years already! Congrats to him and to your entire family. I'm honored to hear that Faith Deployed still has a special place in your life. I love your perspective of wanting to share your encouragement with someone else who also needs it!

Submitted by Sam on
My husband is an active duty Marine who will be medically retired this year due to injuries from combat. He has served 25 years. We love our military roots and they will always be a big part of who we are as we transition to civilian life. We plan to continue to the service on base just as civilians this time. Thank you.

Submitted by Jocelyn Green on
Hi Sam, that's going to be quite a transition coming up for your husband and family! Thank you for 25 years of faithful service. I'll be praying for you. Best wishes!

Submitted by Jocelyn Green on
Thank you every one for entering the drawing! The winners are: Joanna Rummel, Marie H., Shirley Ashley, Mary Preston, and Amy Eaton. Winners, if you have not already responded to my request for your mailing address, please check your email inbox and respond to that email--or just email me directly at Thanks ladies! (Psst! If you didn't win and are really really disappointed, the book is still on sale at for $7.99 for now!)

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