Exciting news! But first, a bit of housekeeping: dear blog subscribers, I know we've had some formatting issues with the blog posts that arrive in your email inbox. We're working to resolve these. In the meantime, if the paragraph breaks aren't showing or the hyperlinks aren't working, please click the title of the blog post and read the content on my Web site--that should be a much less frustrating experience! Thanks for your patience!
And now--hip hip hooray! The Message in a Bottle Romance Collection is now available for pre-order at Amazon, ChristianBook, and BarnesandNoble, AND for adding to your "want to read" list on Goodreads. (Psst, adding it on Goodreads is a big help for the book!) Here's the blurb:
Join the journey as one word etched in Latin on an ancient bronze bottle travels through the centuries to reach five young women who are struggling to maintain their faith in God and love. An Irish princess, a Scottish story weaver, a Post-Colonial nurse, a cotton mill worker, and a maid who nearly drowned each receive a message from the bottle just when they need their hope restored. But will the bottle also bring them each to a man whose love will endure?
I'm honored to be included in this collection along with four other fantastic storytellers: Joanne Bischof, Amanda Dykes, Heather Day Gilbert, and Maureen Lang. My particular novella, A River Between Us, will take you to Civil War Georgia as we explore the plight of a cotton mill worker evicted from her homeland when Union General William T. Sherman sweeps through on his way to Atlanta. The seed for this story was planted by Amy Reed, curator for the Marietta Museum of History, when I was visiting for a book signing of Yankee in Atlanta. (Thank you Amy!)
Release date for this collection is March 2017!
So very excited about this!
Thanks, Joanne! It sure seems
Love every bit of this post,
Thank you so much, Amanda!
Love this beautiful setting
Thank you Heather! This
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