Double Give-Away with Laura Frantz!

Tue, 2016-12-13 16:27 -- Jocelyn Green

I'm so delighted to share a release date with one of my favorite authors, Laura Frantz, whose book A Moonbow Night launches on January 3 right alongside The Mark of the King! To celebrate the "birthday" of both our eighteenth-century-set books, we are teaming up to give one lucky winner a set of both new releases! (Details on how to enter at the end of this post.)

Here's the blurb for A Moonbow Night:
Her wilderness survival skills are without rival. 
But her greatest talent is keeping other people's secrets.

After fleeing Virginia, Temperance Tucker and her family established an inn along the Shawnee River. It's a welcome way station for settlers and frontiersmen traveling through the wild Cumberland region of Kentucke--men like Sion Morgan, a Virginia surveyor who arrives at the inn with his crew, looking for an experienced guide. 

Though he balks when Tempe is appointed to lead his team through the wilderness, it isn't long before Sion must admit that her abilities may outmatch his own. But can the tenuous tie they are forming survive the dangers waiting just around the bend?

With her signature sweeping style and ability to bring the distant past to vivid life, Laura Frantz beckons you to join her in a land of Indian ambushes, conflicting loyalties, and a tentative love that meanders like a cool mountain stream.

And the blurb for The Mark of the King:

Life in This New World Requires More Strength Than She Ever Imagined

After the death of her client, midwife Julianne Chevalier is imprisoned and branded, marking her as a criminal beyond redemption. Hoping to reunite with her brother, a soldier, she trades her life sentence for exile to the fledgling French colony of Louisiana. The price of her transport, however, is a forced marriage to a fellow convict. 

New Orleans is nothing like Julianne expects. The settlement is steeped in mud and mosquitoes, and there is no news of her brother, Benjamin. When tragedy strikes, she turns to military officer Marc-Paul Girard for help, but does he know more about her brother than he will admit? 

With her dreams shattered, Julianne must find her way in this dangerous land, where only grace--and love--can overcome the stigma of the king's mark upon her shoulder.

Now, if you're already familiar with Laura Frantz and love her writing, the good news is that RT Reviews says you'll love The Mark of the King too! :) 

What an honor! Some books just immerse the reader in the setting, and I think Laura's novels are all excellent examples of that. What is it about a book that makes you feel like you are "right there" with the characters? Leave a comment answering the question, and you'll be entered in the drawing! You may enter by commenting either here, or on Laura's blog (link is external). Your entry will be counted either way!

*Enter by the end of Dec. 31. The winner will be announced on release day, January 3!


Bonus: Free Gift within Moments!

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About the Author: 

Jocelyn Green

Jocelyn Green inspires faith and courage as the award-winning and bestselling author of numerous fiction and nonfiction books, including The Mark of the King; Wedded to War; and The 5 Love Languages Military Edition, which she coauthored with bestselling author Dr. Gary Chapman. Her books have garnered starred reviews from Booklist and Publishers Weekly, and have been honored with the Christy Award, the gold medal from the Military Writers Society of America, and the Golden Scroll Award from the Advanced Writers & Speakers Association. She graduated from Taylor University in Upland, Indiana, with a B.A. in English, concentration in writing. As a speaker, Jocelyn inspires faith and courage in her audiences. She loves Mexican food, Broadway musicals, strawberry-rhubarb pie, the color red, and reading with a cup of tea. Jocelyn lives with her husband Rob and two children in Cedar Falls, Iowa. Visit her at


Submitted by Beth on
To make me feel right there in a book I like a good description of the setting. Sites,, sounds smells. One of my favorite authors for this is Majorie Kinnan Rawlings.

Submitted by April Sutton on
I lose myself in the story. The characters become real to me and I find myself thinking about them during the day. A good author makes that happen for the reader. Like you!

Submitted by Jocelyn Green on
Why thank you, April! I'm glad to hear this happens for you, because I spend months on end thinking about the characters and story for what feels like all day every day. :)

Submitted by Karen Lange on
Both books look wonderful! Can't wait to read them. Thank you for offering the giveaway.:)

Submitted by Jocelyn Green on
Thank you Karen! I had the privilege of endorsing Laura's book--it really is wonderful.

Submitted by Jocelyn Green on
I'm eager for you to read them, too! You have many hours of entertainment ahead of you--be prepared to travel back in time! ;)

Submitted by Amy on
Hmm... what makes me lose myself is probably just a good beginning. Something to get my attention within the first couple chapters. That could be plot, good intros, or vivid description :)

Submitted by Cheryl Barker on
Jocelyn, I love books that as soon as I start reading I feel like I'm seeing it on the big screen, like I'm watching a movie. (I'm remember feeling that way while reading some of your work before!) The scene just seems like it's living and breathing. I guess amazing description and immediate connection with the characters.

Submitted by Jocelyn Green on
Ah, yes, I love that too! That's why I obsess about learning the details of my settings so much--if I can't see where my characters are living, I can't share it through my writing, and that is no good. I once read a book that fell flat for me, and I finally figured out it was because I couldn't see the setting at all. It was as if the characters were walking across a blank canvas. So I try to avoid a similar pitfall!

Submitted by Carrie on
At some point, all my emotions need to be tapped within the story. I reserve five star books for ones that make me cry. But laughter, surprise, shock, sweet moments need to be there too....and more! I also love it when a book ties in some little piece/detail at the end of the story to being symbolism or an ah-ha moment. I don't know if I need to feel as though I'm there, but I want to feel captivated, engrossed, like nothing exists in that moment but the book. Historical fiction does that the most for me.

Submitted by Jocelyn Green on
It's so fulfilling to be able to experience a variety of emotions through fiction, I agree! I love historical fiction for that, too.

Submitted by Pauline Osborne on
When an author has done research and makes the area along with the characters come to life....emotions of the characters as they go about their lives makes me want to continue reading when I should be going to bed. thanks for sharing this giveaway, I have read many of Laura's books, I have not read Jocelyn Green yet.

Submitted by Jocelyn Green on
Pauline, I love that too! I love going to bed with a good book, staying up too late to read it, and waking up early to sneak in a little more before starting the day. Thanks for participating in the give-away!

Submitted by Amanda Geaney on
Ways an author can make me feel like I'm "right there" with the characters (Top 3): 1. Emotional connection with a character. I need to feel like I've walked a mile in there shoes. 2. Dialogue. I would much rather read an exchange between 2 or more characters then have the author feed me what the character is feeling/thinking. 3. Descriptive writing about the scene, facial expressions, and body language that create tension.

Submitted by Jocelyn Green on
This is a great list, Amanda. I just might print it off and tape it up next to my computer as a reminder! :) Thanks for being here!

Submitted by Sara Randall on
Accurate and detailed descriptions of the time period are what make me feel like I am right there with the characters. I really enjoy historical novels and both you and Laura do a great job of bring history to life!

Submitted by Jocelyn Green on
Thank you so much, Sara! I think Laura is one of the best at bringing history to life!

Submitted by Teresa Rose on
I think what wraps me up in a story is attention to detail and scenarios that are true to life and experiences I have gone through.

Submitted by Jocelyn Green on
Hi Teresa Rose, yes, being able to relate to a realistic experience is key. Thank you for dropping by!

Submitted by Renee S on
I love a book that grabs me from the first line and never lets me go, all the way to the end.

Submitted by Jocelyn Green on
Renee, I love those too! I just finished the contemporary mystery Miranda Warning by Heather Day Gilbert, and that was certainly a gripping tale from page one to the end!

Submitted by Terressa T. on
I love when an author can describe a scene so well that I love the book as if it's a movie in my head. The personalities and relatability of the characters is key.

Submitted by Jocelyn Green on
Hi Terressa, I love that too! Sometimes all it takes is a few well-placed details, but oh what power they can have in setting the scene!

Submitted by Patty on
It's hard to say exactly, but a good author will make you feel like you are right there with the characters , and make you forget about the modern-day world around you . It's hard to think about living without all our modern-day conveniences , but a good author will make you understand what that might be like .

Submitted by Jocelyn Green on
Patty, I love forgetting about the world around me when I'm immersed in a good book. :) It's such a treat to enter into the historic world the author creates!

Submitted by Stephanie C. on
Dialogue and detail make me feel right there. Detail of the surroundings, the characters, their mannerisms and idiocies, facial expressions etc. good realistic, not forced, dialogue. I can't wait to read these books. Love both you ladies writing and have been looking forward to reading these. Thank you for the opportunity to win them. Thank you, Stephanie C.

Submitted by Jocelyn Green on
Stephanie, yes, all of that is so important! Thanks so much for your kind words--Laura and I are blessed to have you as a reader! Can't wait for you to be able to read our new releases.

Submitted by Cheri Johnson on
As soon as I open the book and start reading, I lose myself in the story and feel like it's just me and the characters playing it out on a big screen. And everything around me just disappears!

Submitted by Julie Rowan on
Can it allow me to see myself in the historical setting, but place myself in the heroine's situation, and get so wrapped up in the story that I become a part of it. The right author knows how to write in such a way that they consume your emotions, thoughts and senses completely in the novel. Laura Frantz has that gift in every novel I've read by her.

Submitted by Jocelyn Green on
I so agree, Julie, Laura is so talented in these ways! Thank you for being here and entering the drawing!

Submitted by Diane Bell on
I am such a fan of both you ladies. I think I have read nearly everything that you and Laura have written. I would so love to win these books.

Submitted by Jocelyn Green on
Thank you so much, Diane! What an honor that you've read so much of our work! Good luck in the drawing--thank you for being such a faithful reader!

Submitted by Cindy Adams on
I feel right there with a character when there is detailed description of the senses - the sights, smells, feels, sounds. I like when I can identify with the emotions of the characters and understand why they're behaving and thinking the way that they are.

Submitted by Jocelyn Green on
I love experiencing the story through all five senses too, Cindy. And insight into emotions and motivation is key. Thank you for being here!

Submitted by Trisha on
I'm pulled into a story with the descriptions of the sights & sounds and then by knowing the thoughts of the main character. For me a fantastic story will pull me in so much that not only do I think about what may happen next, but also the story finds its way into my dreams. Often I will "write" what comes next. Only once have I chosen the same outcome as the author. But that's half the fun!!

Submitted by Jocelyn Green on
Oh Trisha, that is so neat! Yep, you know you're really into a book when you dream about what happens next!

Submitted by Jocelyn Green on
Hi Adrienne, yes, that's a great window into each character. Thank your for being here!

Submitted by Jessica Lewis on
My daughter and I disagree on this point... but, I really like books written in third person because it helps me to "get in the characters' heads"! Also, when the scene is set - both historically and descriptively - it can help me to understand where the characters are coming from. I also like to see the characters mess up a bit - to have a flaw - because, let's face it, none of us is perfect! ;)


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