Happy Release Week to A Refuge Assured! Every book that launches is special, but this one is noteable for one extra reason: this is my 15th book, which is a nice round number worth celebrating. And I want to celebrate with YOU with another nice round number: 50, for 50 states!
Introducing: The Refuge in Every State Contest! Here's how it works: Be the first person from your state to take a picture of your own paperback copy of the book and send it to me via email or through my Facebook page,* and you will receive:
1) A personalized signed bookplate to put in your book
2) Matching bookmarks (one for you, one for a friend)
3) A chance to win a 30-minute Skype chat with me during your book club (or friends) meeting PLUS three FREE large Pizza Hut pizzas delivered to your door on the night of your choice!
Yep! Each of the First-in-State winners will be entered into a drawing for the Skype chat and free pizzas once the contest winds down! I am so excited for this, and I hope you are too.
*By sharing your photo with me, you are giving me permisssion to share the photo on my social media channels and perhaps on my Web site or in my e-newsletter. If you post to social media yourself, use the hashtag #ARefugeAssured50. Your photo can include you with the book, or just the book itself. Feel free to get creative with this! One of my favorite photos is a pic of the book sharing the reader's lap, along with a carton of ice cream.
I will update this blog post with the winners names from each state as I receive them!
The contest is open....and the winners so far are:
Alabama: Melissa Diane
Arizona: Susan Dunning
California: Susan Webber
Colorado: Cheryl Wood
Florida: Christie Espie
Georgia: Carolyn Moon Bryant
Idaho: Peter Leavell
Illinois: Cara Novack Lynch
Indiana: Sara Randall
Iowa: Darci McVay
Kansas: Jani Schepers
Kentucky: Robin Duncan
Maryland: Tina StClair Rice
Massachusetts: Heidi Chiavaroli
Michigan: Alexis De Weese
Minnesota: Vicki Jones
Missouri: Kathy Stammer
Nebraska: Joseph Michael Espinosa
New Jersey: Carrie Turansky
New York: Jolyn Safron
North Carolina: Abi Ford
North Dakota: Arletta Boulton
Ohio: Jennifer Duncan
Oklahoma: Ashley Johnson
Oregon: Debbie McMillan
Pennsylvania: Deborah Breckenridge
South Carolina: Keriane Kellogg
South Dakota: Karen Klepsteen
Tennessee: Beth Bulow
Texas: Jessica Alvarado
Virginia: Bettina Dowell
Washington: Bonnie Moore
West Virginia: April Cunningham
Wisconsin: Jennifer Kracht
*See their photos here!
I'm honored by that, thank
I forgot the hashtag....
#ARefugeAssured50 From
Ah, yes! And what a glorious
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