An Inside Look at Some Novel Inspiration
Spring is finally in the air around here, and for many of us, that means it's almost time for picnic season! Today I have a real treat for you--award-winning author Julie Lessman is generously sharing her most in-demand recipe for social functions. BUT when she is not impressing people with her Irish-inspired culinary skills, she is impressing us with her books, and she just released another one! So allow me to whet your appetite for her latest novel, Love At Any Cost, which I received free from Revell so I could share my opinion with you. This book trailer says it all, and it's...
[quote type="center"]When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping. ~Fred Rogers[/quote] In the wake of Boston's tragedy yesterday, it's so easy to focus on the evil in the world. It is loud, it is ugly, it is excruciating. This cannot be denied. But let it not drown out the masses of humanity who are just as appalled by evil as you and I are. Let's stand back for a moment and see the good work people are doing, with God's compassion in their hearts and His strength in their arms....
It’s impossible to write a Civil War novel about medical care in the Union army without having at least some text devoted to amputations. Here’s some of the information that helped me as I wrote both Wedded to War and Widow of Gettysburg. Contrary to popular belief, the days of “biting the bullet” (or a...
Joanne Bischof has a new book releasing April 2 (probably smart to not release on April Fool's Day!!) but I just can't wait to start celebrating! Her new book, Though My Heart Is Torn, is the second in her Cadence of Grace series, the sequel to Be Still My Soul. (See what I thought of that book here.) I had the privilege of...
Carrie Pagels' All-Cornmeal Muffins
Wedded to War a Double Finalist in the Christy Awards
Julie Lessman's Broccoli Slaw
In the Wake of Boston's Tragedy: Heroes Among Us
Come With Me to Gettysburg!
Civil War Amputations and Anesthesia
Chief Camp Diseases of the Civil War
3-Ingredient Lemon Cookies